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an angel gets her wings...

last weekend my sister and brother n law were in town for the Christening of their first daughter.   it was such a lovely weekend filled with family gatherings and lots of catching up.    we are excited beyond belief to hear the news that my sister and her  family will be joining us all here in florida at the beginning of the new year.   while, i know it is hard for them to leave their family and precious friends in georgia we welcome them with open arms.  it has been over 18 years since my sister and i have lived in the same town and words would not do justice to explain how happy i am to have her close by. it has been amazing to see God bring us all back to our hometown this past year and now living on the same street.  a true blessing.   i had the honor of capturing this special day for my niece and all those that  love her.   i pray that God will bless her with a wonderful and healthy life filled with much happiness and love...

 and i'll leave you with one of the whole family....thank you to our family friend Mrs. H for being so kind to snap this for us....


blessings, ginger

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project 52 l week 43 l hands

hello there and welcome back for this week's project 52 with the bloom forum.   our fun theme of the week is hands-what are you capable with your hands? what have you created with them? what do your hands mean to you?  i am certain there will be a variety of pictures for this theme.   i took a more fun approach and got some pictures of my oldest creating something quite yummy with her hands.....enjoy!  

now head on over to the blog of Amy Ames of Holly Spring, NC and see what she has to share !

have a fabulous weekend!!!

blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 42 l halloween

this week's theme for project 52 with my friends at the bloom forum is halloween.   this week my son turned five and since we spent the day at disney world.  we were lucky to have my mom, mimi, join us.   it was a great way to spend the day and we had a wonderful time seeing disney decorated for halloween.  enjoy a sneak peak into our fun day...

continue on our blog circle and see what halloween images Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ has in store for us....





a kiss and a hug...

i had such a fun time with the hoglund family this weekend.  missie and i met in college where we were sorority sisters and i had not seen her for years.  we had been in touch over the years via email and facebook and it was so wonderful to meet her husband jason and her two children.  what fun i had with all of them.    i loved how their almost two year old would ask me for a kiss and follow up with " and a hug too!"  they are such a sweet family indeed and you will see their love and personalities shine through their pictures.    thanks for a wonderful afternoon! 

 blessings, ginger






project 52 l week 40 l feet

welcome to week 40 of our project 52...that means only 12 weeks to go!! this week's theme is feet: where have you gone? where do they take you? maybe your children's feet? or your pets? admittedly this week snuck away from my image this week is very simple and sweet.  my now two year old, with her fresh pedicure from mama.   i  must say these are two of the cutest feet i know...

head on over to the blog of  Lynn, Bugsmom Photograpy, NJ to see what feet she has captured!


blessings, ginger






radiant: an adjective defined as sending out light, shining or glowing brightly.   a word that would describe this family of three perfectly.   it was such a joy to photograph emily, jimmy and their sweet baby girl.    the love between the three of them overflowed.      i  am grateful  for another wonderful opportunity to meet such a special family.  i always feel blessed to get to know the families i work with.   i have a larger than normal preview and  you will see why...  thanks guys for a fun afternoon!

 blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 38 l definition

thanks for coming back to another week of project 52 with the bloom forum.    this week's theme is definition: what one word best describes you? what in your home shows that definition? this was a hard theme.   i had trouble thinking of one word to describe me.   i thought of many words that might describe me and my personality.  but i kept coming back to the roles in my life as a mother, wife, and teacher. and i thought of the quote: "live, love, laugh.".   i try to live each day with my family to the fullest, to enjoy it and not take a day for granted.  and in doing so other things take a back seat some days.  this isn't to say that every day i can let things "go" because i admit, i have trouble letting things go, but sometimes you have to just LIVE and by doing so you will have lots of LOVE and LAUGHTER...

so some days there is laundry that gets unfolded before it ever gets put  away, even more laundry that is overflowing  and unattended to, there is writing on the walls instead of paper, shoes not quite to the right destination, beds not made, school work left on the table and toys not put away....

...but at the end of the day we've shared some fun memories and the LIVING is what matters most!

now head on over to the blog of Kimberlee Edwards, Cary NC photographer and see what defines her.

xoxo,  ginger



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a mama and her girls...

i had such a fun time meeting Mandee and her beautiful little girls.   i had heard a lot about her from my sister and it is always great to put a name and a face together.   her girls are less than two years in age and are both precious as they can be.    i could tell  how much this mama loved her babies during the time we were together and i could envision these sisters as the best of friends in a few years.   i hope you enjoy this preview of these gorgeous girls...

xoxo, ginger

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don't you ever grow up...

i have been a part of an amazing workshop the past 2 months.  this workshop is held online through the bloom forum.   if you are a photographer or have a love of photography i highly suggest you check out their forum.  the members are all so open and encouraging. and there is always so much to learn.  the support is fabulous.    from the forum, i learned of this workshop that they do twice a year.   i am so blessed to have been a part of it and will forever be grateful to Kristy and Brenda for graciously sharing their talents.  we had a project to do this week where we were to pick atleast two quotes from a list of ten.  we were to then take images to represent these quotes as a story.    we had to use between 2 and 6 images.  we were prompted to pick quotes that stirred something inside of us.   it was such a great exercise and very challenging.   i enjoyed it so much and wanted to share it with you...

don't you ever grow up...

my love of photography has blossomed as i watch my children grow and nostalgically wish somehow the days could freeze.

for these pictures i photographed my oldest daughter.  as i looked through all of these from this session i kept thinking of the song "never grow up" by taylor swift.   it is one of those songs that brings tears to my eyes when i heart it.  the chorus says: 

"oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up --just stay this little.  oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up--it could stay this simple"

e is 7 and she is still so innocent and such a dear sweet girl.  i don't say this only because i am her mother, but because there has always been something special about her heart.  it shines and people can feel it.

she still loves dressing up, playing princess and mommy, and you will find her dancing wherever she goes.  i wanted to somehow capture these moments to remember her at this time in life...


this last quote just made me think of how as a photographer you could see beautiful light, fun colors, etc. but as the mother of the girl in these photos i see so much more.  i see my firstborn, and wonder how she is already seven.  i wonder where did the time go?  i see her tenderness shining through as she holds her "baby" and i know that one day she will have that same tender heart for her own children. and i just want to say to her...

to enjoy this time so much, to live every day to its fullest and to be thankful for all God has blessed you with and

...don't you ever grow up!!!


xoxo, ginger





project 52 l week 37 l water

thanks for joining me for another week of this year long creative project i am participating in with the bloom forum.  it's a great feeling to know i haven't missed a week yet and it's crazy to think we are already in week  37  !!! this week's theme is water.   we are really loving living on a lake.  our house has wonderfully big windows so there is a view of the lake from almost every room in the house. not only is it super peaceful to just sit on the porch and look at the lake, it is also a source of so many fun activities. the kids love to watch the turtles, birds, and even alligators.   they love to play and splash and swim.  and their newest activitiy has been fishing in the evenings with daddy after dinner.  it is so beautiful and such a nice time of the day.  i can only imagine when it cools down a bit how much nicer it will be.  


keep following our blog circle and see what water Amy Ames Holly Springs, NC Photographer has captured!


have a blessed weekend, ginger





take me out to the ball field...

this week i had the pleasure of photographing this new family of three.  it is such fun to see parents with their first child.   this session was fun and unique in that the parents had a few of their own creative ideas to make it "their own."  with the dad being a big baseball fan they asked to do the session at our hometown Little League field.   after taking a few pictures at the ball field we headed over to the  play park and got a few more.   i hope you enjoy this sneak peak of their new bundle of joy.  thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture these special moments of you together.   i wish you all the best on your new journey as parents!





finding the joy in trials...

i believe there are times in life where we know without a doubt that God is talking to us; getting our attention so to speak.  more than once last week different messages of hope and joy were placed on my heart and mind.  i know without a doubt there was no coincidence in these messages i read and heard last week.  

i think we all struggle with wondering why we face difficult times in our lives.   i know in the past month i've questioned things myself as i've seen people around me hurting. the suffering of a child with cancer.   dear friends with a marriage falling apart.   my own sweet daughter who questions daily why we had to move and leave her best friend states away.   so many people have things they are hardships, loneliness, depression, anxiety.   you don't have to look far to see trials.  i know in my own life i have battled letting my worries and fears consume me.  but these passages give a renewed hope to all of us as believers and i think sometimes we need to have this reminder. 

one of the passages is  James 1:2-4.  it says, " consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

wow!  if we could all remember this daily as we encounter things.  to know that God is truly working on us during these times....what a blessing it would be to us. 

at another point during the week i was reading a daily devotion that I get in my inbox and the following passage was quoted from Jeremiah 29: 11 : "For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’"  i love this passage.  

later in the week,  I was in my car and listening to Christian radio.   a lady was speaking and she was saying how sometimes in her own prayer time she  asks God that why we must go through these trials of life when He already knows who will be saved and what will become of our lives.  she said that the answer became very clear to her on a recent mission trip through the own trials of that week.   we have to go through all the parts of our get us to where God wants us.   without life and without these moments,  we would not fully be the person God has planned for us to become.  

today, i share these messages in hopes that if you are facing any kind of trial in your own life that you will take comfort in knowing that God does have a plan for you.  let Him work in you and take faith;  even in these hard times, His love  is shining on you.

i see this picture of my daughter and it reminds me of all of this.


blessings, ginger






project 52 l week 36 l favorite color

this week's theme for project 52 is favorite color: what is your favorite color? where do you show that it's your favorite color? i would have to say my favorite color has mostly always been blue. i love all the different shades of blue. i love to wear blue as well.  but as i've now had two daughters i do adore pink as well. i love to decorate their room in pink and buy fun pink clothing for them. just one of those colors that screams girl!  

have a blessed friday and head on over to the amazing blog of Lucy Jane, Adelaide Photographer.





project 52 l week 35 l glitter sparkle shine

this week's theme is glitter, sparkle, and shine....i had in my head what i would do this week.  i thought a photo shoot of my youngest daughter and her cousin emma would be perfect.  they both sparkle and shine in their tutus and dress up!! i thought it would be the perfect excuse to get  them together in some adorable pictures.  unfortunately this did not happen. i  really don't know where the week was so busy.  we've had dance, tumbling and soccer all begin. we are on week three of homeschooling.  and it just seems like our days were a blur this week. we definitely need to find our rhythm.   but one morning i was up and it was so quiet and so peaceful and i looked outside and i was taken by the gorgeous sunrise.  our new house is on the lake and has an amazing morning view!   i grabbed my camera and snapped this beautiful sun. and i thought it certainly shined and sparkled and would be perfect for this week's theme. it reminds me of a quiet moment in a not so quiet week.  enjoy.

head on over to Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ and see what shine she has found!





project 52 l week 34 l connection

Welcome to week 34 of  project 52.   It's crazy to think we started this project in the dead of Winter and here we are about to embark on Fall.    We've had so many fun themes this year that have stretched my creativity in so many ways.  This week's theme is connection: what connection in your life do you adore? Many connections came to mind that I simply adore.  But this one that is so sweet and so real....I honestly could document it daily.  My middle child, our only son, absolutely adores BOTH of his sisters.   Today I was able to capture him and "baby sissy" as he refers to her.   It melts my heart to watch him with her. Every morning he runs up the stairs when he realizes she is FINALLY awake ..and he greets her with so much adoration and love.    I am so grateful for this sweet connection...

Continue on with our blog circle and see what connection Amy Ames photography, Holly Springs, NC photographer has to share with us....






sugar and spice...

it was so exciting to finally meet the newest member of our family this september weekend.   baby a was born at the end of june and this was her first trip to florida to meet all of the family.    i can tell she has carved a huge spot out of her mama and daddy's hearts already.    she was so alert and full of  smiles.   i have to say that it  is the best feeling to get to cuddle a new baby... oh, how i miss those days. i hope you enjoy this peak at my precious niece...


xoxo, ginger





project 52 l week 33 l labor

this week's theme for project 52 is labor:  what labor do you do? what labor does your husband do? what labor are you thankful for? i have been a stay at home mother since the birth of our first child in 2004.  i feel so blessed that God has given me this opportunity to spend this precious time with all of our children. i can say it is the hardest and most important job i have ever had.   it is truly a sacrifice in many ways but really i look at it as a gift. 

this week i also took on another role as teacher.   i will say that i am fully confident we made the right decision to begin homeschooling our children, but it is a huge commitment and not every day will be easy.....but every day ends and i feel so thankful to have this time with our children.  to be able to raise them and instill in them the values we feel are so important.  to watch them grow and learn daily in their academic knowledge and more importantly in their love of the Lord.  what more could i ask for ?  

one day this week we planted flowers together.   i thought about how much it resembles raising our children.   the time, care, and love we give, will help them flourish into something beautiful in the future...

 now head on over the to the blog of the amazingly talented Amy Ames, Holly Springs, NC photographer





new sisters

today i had the pleasure of taking pictures for a long time family friend. i don't think i remember a time in my life that I  didn't know blair and her family.   her brother also  happens to be married to my sister and we all now live on the same street! you have to love small towns...i was super excited that blair asked me to take pictures of her girls.  they are both such beauties as you will see.   they are not even two years a part and i only imagine they will be the best of friends growing up. i hope you enjoy these sweet memories of your two girls at this new phase in life.


blessings, ginger





our first day of school...

dear e, m, and c: today we started a new chapter in our life as a family.   it was a day i will never forget.   i thought about this day so much the past few years.  i talked with daddy about it. i talked to friends about it.  i prayed about it.    and i am happy to say we made it through and it was so much fun!    it wasn't the "first day of school" we've had in years past.   our pictures are a bit different this year.  there aren't pictures of you in a new smocked sundress or appliqued back to school t-shirt.  no new back pack and lunch box to match.   there isn't a picture with your new teacher and classmates.  no, things are different this year.  in fact, we started the day in pjs and we finished the day in our homemade tie dyed shirts.  

 i saw first hand that days won't always go smooth from start to finish.   my lesson plans may be just that ..plans.  some will be executed and some may not.   but at the end of the day, i saw the three of you laughing and playing make believe together and it made me smile.   before i know it, you will all be grown and this time we have together as a family is so precious.  so no, not every day will be perfect but every day will be a day together to cherish, grow and learn in some way and i am so thankful for that.   i can't wait for all the memories we will make .  i am grateful to have this opportunity to teach you and spend time with you as you learn about the world around you.   and i treasure these years together more than words can say...

i love you sweet three!

