project 52 l week 33 l labor — GINGER UNZUETA

this week's theme for project 52 is labor:  what labor do you do? what labor does your husband do? what labor are you thankful for? i have been a stay at home mother since the birth of our first child in 2004.  i feel so blessed that God has given me this opportunity to spend this precious time with all of our children. i can say it is the hardest and most important job i have ever had.   it is truly a sacrifice in many ways but really i look at it as a gift. 

this week i also took on another role as teacher.   i will say that i am fully confident we made the right decision to begin homeschooling our children, but it is a huge commitment and not every day will be easy.....but every day ends and i feel so thankful to have this time with our children.  to be able to raise them and instill in them the values we feel are so important.  to watch them grow and learn daily in their academic knowledge and more importantly in their love of the Lord.  what more could i ask for ?  

one day this week we planted flowers together.   i thought about how much it resembles raising our children.   the time, care, and love we give, will help them flourish into something beautiful in the future...

 now head on over the to the blog of the amazingly talented Amy Ames, Holly Springs, NC photographer

