project 52 l week 38 l definition — GINGER UNZUETA

thanks for coming back to another week of project 52 with the bloom forum.    this week's theme is definition: what one word best describes you? what in your home shows that definition? this was a hard theme.   i had trouble thinking of one word to describe me.   i thought of many words that might describe me and my personality.  but i kept coming back to the roles in my life as a mother, wife, and teacher. and i thought of the quote: "live, love, laugh.".   i try to live each day with my family to the fullest, to enjoy it and not take a day for granted.  and in doing so other things take a back seat some days.  this isn't to say that every day i can let things "go" because i admit, i have trouble letting things go, but sometimes you have to just LIVE and by doing so you will have lots of LOVE and LAUGHTER...

so some days there is laundry that gets unfolded before it ever gets put  away, even more laundry that is overflowing  and unattended to, there is writing on the walls instead of paper, shoes not quite to the right destination, beds not made, school work left on the table and toys not put away....

...but at the end of the day we've shared some fun memories and the LIVING is what matters most!

now head on over to the blog of Kimberlee Edwards, Cary NC photographer and see what defines her.

xoxo,  ginger

