
our new journey awaits...

tomorrow i will embark on a new journey with my precious babies.   my role as mother and caregiver will expand to full time teacher as well.   after many prayers my husband and i decided last spring this was God's plan for our family.  you can read about our journey to this decision here.    i am so excited to start this journey with our children, but of course i have days where i wonder if i will be able to do this and do it well.   i wonder how i will continue to do all the other roles i have in our house.   i wonder if i will foster enthusiasm and excitement for learning in our children.  the list of questions can go on and on.  BUT deep down i know that i can do this with God's help and that HE will provide all we need to succeed--i just have to remember to ask. 

 i was having one of those days last week where i was asking all these questions to myself and an email came across my inbox.  i wanted to share some of what it said.   i know i have a lot of other homeschooling friends and i thought this provided a source of inspiration for us all on this journey.  it reminded me that this  is such a gift i have been given.   it is a blessing that i  have this opportunity to be with my children daily for these experiences.  mothers were quoted saying the following about their own experiences homeschooling...

If I had known that teaching my children would be so much fun, I would have started homeschooling sooner.

If I had known my children were going to grow as fast as older women said they would, I would have treasured our time together even more.

If I had known that my son was going to become an archeologist and dig in the dirt for a profession, I would have never worried about removing the stains when washing his clothes.

If I had known that all my children would go on to receive college degrees, I would have never second guessed my curriculum choices and teaching abilities.

If I had known how unimportant it was to keep a spotless house, I would have gone to bed on time instead of spending countless hours cleaning, organizing, and tidying up for the next day.

If I had known how living on one income would build a solid faith in God, I would have gladly lived with less without all the complaining.

If I could only experience the thrill of one job to last an entire lifetime, I would  my children all over again.

i believe God truly gives us the encouragement we need just when we need it.   tonight, i go to bed with enthusiasm and excitement.  i can't wait to dive in and not look back....sort of like my son in this picture.  he is always fearless, unlike my oldest daughter. she thinks and contemplates before acting--very much like myself.    i'd love to have that fearlessness my son has in all i do-- to place my trust completely in the Lord and know He will take care of it all!

blessings, ginger






project 52 l week 32 l fruit

it's week 32 of project 52.   the weeks continue to keep flying by.   i've just started week 2 of an 8 week workshop with the bloom forum. it is absolutely fabulous. i feel so grateful to be a part of it and am learning so much.  this week's theme is : fruit: your favorite fruit? a color fruit? maybe a fruit bowl of many different fruits! since we recently moved back to florida....and since FLORIDA NATURAL orange juice is produced here in our hometown, i knew i had to incorporate oranges.  and my seven year old was totally game for the idea since oranges are her favorite fruit...

now head on over to the blog of Linsey Stuckey and see what her favorite fruit is....





project 52 l week 31 l back to school

welcome to project 52. the fun project i've been participating in the past 31 weeks with this amazing group of photographers i now know as friends.   we have done some really fun themes that have helped my creativity grow during the year.   this week's theme is back to school: what are some signs in your home that is is time to head back to school? maybe put together a shoot?   i have to say that this week's picture sort of just evolved and i thought it went with this theme FOR US perfectly.  you see, this year is our first year of homeschool.   the local schools will start back to school next week.  i always dreaded the big back to school day, as it meant our family time was going to be so much shorter and we were under the schedule of some one else.    this year is different because we won't be having the "typical" back to school day.  we will start school another week or two at our house and i am really excited!   this picutre symbolizes so much to me.  i look at it and see my daughter carefree in the days of summer and realize our days will continue to get to have this relaxed feeling--that we can enjoy our summer a tad bit longer. i also see my sweet seven year old still so innocent and carefree, and hope this time spent together can preserve her childhood ust a "wee" bit longer...or at the very least, let us enjoy it more together!!  

for those of you with little and big ones heading off to school; i pray you all have wonderful teachers, classes, and a year of amazing memories!

now head on over to the blog of Kimberlee Edwards Photography, Cary, NC and see what she did for this back to school theme! 






project 52 l week 30 l discovery

wow, is it really week 30? the year is flying by way too fast.  i've loved getting to see all the project 52 photographer's work and you can check them all out at the bloom inspiring.  this week's theme is discovery: what is something new you have discovered? maybe your children are discovering something new? earlier in the week i was talking to my sister-n-law and she was telling me about how their youngest daughter is trying to take her first steps.  she will be one in september.  i couldn't help but think of all the fun discoveries  as babies enter into the world of  becoming a toddler.   i was able to capture her and i have to say she is such a cutie.    we got lots of wonderful family shots, so please check back later in the week, as i will have their post up very soon. for now, enjoy this sweet glimpse into the world of CHA CHA...


now head on over to the blog of Linsey Stuckey, Houston, Texas Photographer and see what discovery she has made!! I am sure it is fantastic!!!

happy friday, ginger







six cousins and some gorgeous sun...

this morning we started the day early...alarm had to be set as we usually do not rise before 8:00  in our house.   we wanted to get some family portraits done before it got too hot.  and here in gets hot very early!!  we have been planning to get some pictures of all the cousins on my side of the family. we found a day that worked for all of us, although one very important  new cousin was still missing. my sister, who lives in georgia,  delivered her first baby a little over a month ago.  so the newest little one of the bunch was not a part of our photo shoot but we will capture her the minute she arrives in town to meet us worries!   the rest of the kids ALL live on the same street now!  what a blessing it has been the past month enjoying this new NORM for us.  the kids all had fun together and we were able to get one shot with all of them...(we wanted to do a surprise for my dad's upcoming birthday--shhhhh, it's still a secret).   it is very hard to get six children ages 11 months, 17 months, 23 months, 4, 7 and 7 1/2 to all cooperate for any one picture.  but it was a fun challenge!!  so grateful this crew all has each other.....they really are such blessings to us all!



and i just couldn't leave you without a couple "after -takes"...sort of reminded us of the trash the dress sessions for brides....but trash the outfits for babes!


blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 29 l indulgence

it's week 29 of project 52 with my friends at the bloom forum. this week's theme is indulgence : what is your favorite indulgence, one thing you treat yourself to?   i am thrilled to have found our hometown has just the place to treat myself (and the kiddos) to my favorite indulgence... 

head on over to Linsey Stuckey's blog and see how she indulges herself....she always has some gorgeous colors in her work!


blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 28 l texture

welcome back for another week of project 52 with the bloom forum.    we are now into the second half of the year and exploring new themes each week.   i have enjoyed this project so much as it gives me a new challenge each week. this week our theme was texture:  what is your favorite texture ...touch...feel?? 

both of my textures were summer, what are two of my most favorite things?  barefeet running in the grass and barefeet in the sand at the water's edge!!  oh, isn't summer the best?   hope you enjoy!


now head on over to Austraila and see what the talented Lucy Jane, Adeliade Photographer has captured!!





little miss E

one of the many many things i love about being back in our hometown is the frequent playdates and fun with the local cousins.  it is so nice seeing everyone a few times a week vs. a few times a year.    i also love that i now am close by to capture special moments of them.  this morning my sister brought her precious 18 month old over for a quick photo shoot. it was a perfect, slightly overcast morning in the back yard..and miss E was all smiles with her beautiful blue eyes and blond curls!! i hope you enjoy a glimpse at my sweet niece. 








blessings, ginger



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butterfly cupcakes & mimi

last weekend the kids and i decided we would make butterfly cupcakes.  we had seen these on my newest addiction Pinterest.   we made a few changes to the original picture we saw but we had such fun.    i think the best part was when we called mimi (my mother) and asked her if she wanted to join us for the decorating and she did.   what a joy it is to now have her only a few houses down the road.    it really is the little things in life that are so easy to take for granted but that mean so much.   when we made our move from north carolina it was indeed bitter sweet.   i have shed more than a tear over missed friends and memories.  it is very hard moving on from the life i knew for so long.   but the life we have waiting here is one that i missed more than i even realized.    being here for weekly family dinners, having cousins over to our house to play and make memories, passing by my parents house and just getting to have a quick visit in the driveway.  as an adult i have never had these things and it is now that i need them and cherish them the most.    today i say a prayer of thanksgiving because i am ever so grateful that God has given us this opportunity. because as a military family it is indeed rare.   and to all of my family...i love you all so much and am so happy we are home.

xoxo, ginger

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project 52 l week 27 l silhouette

its week 27 with my friends over at the bloom forum. this weeks' theme is silhouette: awesome for a summer evening.  this week's picture is of my son and my niece.  one evening since moving to florida, i saw the two of them through the window in the back yard.  we have these two benches that sit on the edge of the grass right before the beach to the lake begins.  they are perfect for watching activity on the lake from boats, to birds, turtles, and even alligators.   this particular evevning, these two were on this bench in deep discussion.  i wonder what it was about---most likely Mario Brothers!!   the kids love being near so many of their cousins now.  they have three cousins right here  in our neighborhood and four more within a very short drive.  it is so special to have this time and to watch the kids all play and grow up together.   we have lived away from family for over 12 years so we savor these moments more than words can really describe. 


now head on over to the blog of Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ and see what gorgeous picture she has for this theme!





project 52 l week 26 l trees

welcome to week 26 of project 52 with my friends at the bloom forum.   it's hard to believe we have made it halfway through this project.    this week's theme was trees: are you surrounded by trees? do they shade your home? do you have a favorite tree?? when i first saw this week's theme i thought i knew what i would do.  my oldest daughter LOVES orange trees....and we just moved to florida this past week and there are orange groves all across our hometown.  we even have two trees in our yard.  she was estatic when we arrived and she saw the trees...BUT we quickly realized they were not in season, so i decided that would not be the best tree to portray right now!  

after being away from our hometown for over 12 years, it is wonderful being home; but there are things we do miss about our sweet old town of camp lejeune, north carolina.   we had a swing tied to a huge tree in our old yard, which the children all loved!!! our kids were over the moon when we arrived to our new house and they saw they have another amazing tree with a super fun tire swing!! and better yet....they have a huge yard, a white sandy beach, and a lake to play in! we are all pretty smitten!  

i will leave you with some pictures of the fun we have been having the past week as we settle in to our new place called home...

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined Now don't forget to head on over to the blog of Julie Livermore,  Rawlins, WY Photographer.  She always has something gorgeous to share!!!


xoxo, ginger





project 52 l week 24 l movement

welcome back to project 52.  i cannot believe it is week 24. i wasn't sure if i would make it this week, but i've vowed to not miss a week in this 52 week project.  this week's theme is movement: use your shutter speed to either blur movement or freeze it. this week i didn't really follow the theme, technically...i didn't use my shutter speed to either freeze or blur movement, but instead i had a different approach. today we will be moving from what has been our home the past five years here in north carolina and heading to our hometown in florida.  and yes, we are estatic to live close to our families and old friends, but it is so bitter sweet. this week was so emotionally hard. i have made friends here that are as close as family and saying goodbye was very difficult.  in addition, its sad to leave the familiar places and routes we've been on the past five is just sad saying goodbye. 

but without further ado, i say goodbye to this sweet lejeune.   i will miss you...i will miss all of the people and this community.  its a place where friends will do anything for each other.... a place where wives bond and stick together while husbands go away for months at a time...a place where kids can still run from house to house to play together....its just a sweet sweet place to live.  


now continue on with our blog circle and see what the super talented Julie Livermore, Rawlins, WY photographer has for movement!

xoxo, ginger





project 52 l week 23 l growth

welcome to week 23 of the bloom forum's project 52.  another week has flown by....its hard to believe we are almost to july. this year we have focused on many fun themes. some of my favorites were: light filledlove, and black and white

this week's theme was growth: have you grown in talent, faith, family? do you have a growth chart in your home for your kids? plants? 

 for this theme i decided to focus on the  growth i have had the past year as a photographer. i have spent a lot of time learning as much as i can.  i have made two big changes this year.  i have switched to shooting  in manual mode and in RAW 100% of the time.  previously,  i would shoot in portrait mode or AV priority mode.  taking this step was crucial to the creative process of photography as many of you can attest to.  secondly, once i felt like i had mastered my canon rebel and learned all i could from it;  i upgraded to a full frame camera.  after months upon months of research  i chose the nikon d700.  this camera has now allowed me even more creative control and i love it!  in addition to these big changes, i have used this year to learn photoshop CS5 and really all the wonderful things it has to offer.   i have spent countless hours reading, researching, asking questions and just learning as much as i can.  in august i will begin an 8 week workshop with the bloom forum and i cannot wait.    for any of you moms (or dads) wanting to learn to take better pictures, my advice to you, is read all you can on the matter and practice. i take 100's of pictures each week just to practice.   i am also grateful that God gave me this passion and gift.  i hope to share it with as many people as i can for HIS purpose and glory!

now for this week's images...

first i used my canon rebel xsi and 50mm lens and set the camera on portrait mode. i took this picture, did no editing in photoshop (only lightened a tad in picasa) and i was done.  in no way is this to show that the rebel is not a great is.  you can get amazing pictures with it, but this is to show the difference when shooting in manual and learning the advantages of good editing.  and this picture isn't bad, but it isn't great either.  first of all, the focus is not sharp.  second, the lighting is not optimal. i always found what my camera detected and set the lighting at was usually darker than what was the ideal setting.... 

next, i used my nikon d700 and 50mm lens.  these were shot in manual mode at the following settings: 1/500s, ISO 250, f/1.4.  i made a few edits in camera raw and then edited in photoshop.


 i believe i still have SO much to learn in photography.  technology is forever changing, so i believe there will always be something new to learn.  i share this because many people believe they will go out and buy a DSLR camera and will get professional results right away. they are then disappointed and frustrated.  they get into the trap of telling themselves "if only they upgraded to a better lens or another camera." take time and really learn your camera and all the potential it has.  the entry level DSLR's are wonderful cameras.  there are great books to read.   practice, practice, practice, and try new things.  you will be pleasantly surprised with the results you will get. 

now head on over to the amazingly talented blog of  Tabitha Patrick a Port Huron, MI Photographer and see what growth she captured!!!





party of 5 l welcoming baby nathan

i have been waiting to do this shoot for is hard to believe this sweet baby boy is already 1 month old.  (you can see this beautiful mama pregnant here).  i will never forget the night my friend holly came over for dinner and shared her news about her pregnancy.  her husband had already left for a seven month deployment, so when they found this out  it was a welcomed and much joyous surprise for all of them.  our families weathered the deployment together and became the best of friends in the months our husbands were apart.    they are such a special family and are just dear to my heart.   it is such a blessing to now see them all together and in love with their newest family member.   i am excited to share this preview of sweet nathan with you.  thank you for entrusting me with my first "newborn session".... enjoy!


blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 22 l fatherly love

it's week 22 of project 52. i have been participating in this project with the bloom forum all year. what fun we have all had exploring our creative sides and getting to know each other better. this week's theme is fatherly love.  at first glance it may appear that i uploaded the wrong image.  you may think....what in the world does this have to do with fatherly love? 

when i first started thinking of this week's theme i thought of the love my husband has for our children.  the fun they share together...the space he really fills in their hearts; that i certainly could never fill. the space that is void when he is gone for months at a time with the USMC.  i think of how blessed i am to have married a man who loves his children and puts all of us first in his life.   

but this theme of fatherly love also brings to mind my own father, which leads me to my picture...NECCOs.  this is one thing that no matter where i am or who i am with.....i see it and i instantly think of my dad.   i would not know about this little candy if it weren't for him.   i do not like this candy at all (although he always had me try just one to see if maybe i'd change my mind). but i smile anytime i see it, which is rare these days.   i think of my dad...and when i think of him i have so many wonderful memories.  my father has always shown us that he loves his family more than anything else.   he taught us from a young age the value of family and the importance of loyalty.   i will forever be grateful to him for this and hope i will teach our children the same.   for the first time in 12 years we are moving back to our hometown.   i couldn't think of a better way to celebrate father's day this year.  it is really wonderful knowing we will have this time together again.  dad...thank you for being the man you are to me today and always.  i love you!

Now, head on over to Jennifer Hill, South Georgia Photographer's blog and see her picture of fatherly love.





fresh from God

 it never ceases to amaze me when i see God's handprints in aspects of my life.   last fall i contacted amy to take pictures of my sweet baby turning one (check out her gorgeous work).   from the moment i met her we hit it off. we had so much to share including our love of photography, God, and our families.   later in the fall we were in the same small group with bible study, but it wasn't until the spring that we were able to get together on a more regular basis.   our little girls, both full of love and energy hit it off from day 1.   they have both become special parts of our lives.    i am inspired daily by amy's walk with God and feel so blessed to have met them this year. i know our friendship will be one that will last forever.   i'll never forget when i met amy's daughter, summer grace and how amy explained to me the meaning of her name....fresh from God.  (it was so neat because we had named our third child, caroline grace...beautiful woman from God).  i think no other name could be more fitting for this adorable girl, and you will see why in these sweet pictures of mama and her.  amy, we will miss you guys but are forever grateful for the time we shared here.  you are an amazing mother and friend.


xoxo, ginger





a beautiful beach night...

you may recognize this gorgeous family from a post i did with them last fall.   i was so excited when jill contacted me to take family pictures again.  they are super fun to capture and the love just really radiates from each of them.   we were blessed with wonderful weather and were able to relax and have some fun!!   it was their son, zach's 7th birthday, which was really a funny coincidence, because the last time i photographed them, it was their daughter's special day!   thank you so much jill, dave, grace and zach for this opportunity.  i really enjoyed our time together.  i hope you enjoy your preview of our fun night at the beach...


blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 21 l treasure

welcome back for another week of project 52 with the bloom forum.  this week's theme is treasure: what is your greatest treasure? what do you value the most?   this is a question i do not even need to ponder. i treasure my relationships with my family the husband and my precious children!!  but also my parents, my siblings, my in laws, my closest friends.  these are all the treasures that matter most in life.

being a mother has changed me in unimaginable ways.  i cannot even put into words how much i treasure this time with our  children as they are young.  i know every step of life is fun..but this age of innocence, adoration, and growth is so special. i could say it over and over again, but i wish time would freeze in many ways.  i feel like my husband and i have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams with the love we share with each other and our three children.  they are my greatest treasures!

and oh, how i treasure these little notes and pieces of art i find in our house ...they make me smile!

now, head on over to see what Linsey Stuckey of  Houston, Texas treasures...i can guarantee you won't be disappointed.





Cherishing the moments...

my youngest daughter has most definitely started "dress up"  much earlier than my oldest daughter did. it is very evident that she has a LOVE  lately for trying on many shoes a day, accessories she finds around the house, and clothing.....this one afternoon she decided to put on big sissy's ballerina outfit ONLY after realizing her own baby doll's outfit would not fit over her head.  

this leads me to a post i want to share with you that i read this morning in my daily google reader feed.  it was from a wonderful blog (in)courage.  the post was titled living with your photos.  the wonderful author spoke about getting your photos off your harddrive. i know i am so guilty of this. i have thousands upon thousands of photos, never put into books, frames, or brought to life.  and its sad.  its not that we don't have many pictures in our house or photobooks, but it seems i a bit behind.   i cherish looking through these books or walking by our walls of portraits of our children, family, and friends.   so today, as i read this i decided to share this article.  we all need to make the extra effort to live with our cherish these blessings and memories God has given us.

and today when i look back at this snap shot of my baby in her ballernina dress up for the first time, i know i want to look back on it and remember so much more than just that moment. i want to remember this phase, this time in her life.   one day it was the ballerina dress, the next it was big brother's Car's tshirt, with the sleeves rolled up.   these snapshots, will later, bring me back to this cherish these moments!





project 52 l week 20 l desire

it's week 20 of project 52.  this week's theme is desire : what do you desire, is it tangible? is it a goal?  as i think of my desires....what do i desire most in my life?  i desire to have a house filled with love;  a marriage that endures all, to see our children happy, thriving, healthy and growing up to be compasionate and caring individuals; and be GREAT --- for the Lord.    the past month our church has been preaching on being great.  and it isn't in terms of being good at something, but by leveraging your life to live out what God has planned for you.   its made me think of so many facets of my life.   and i will say that being GREAT for the Lord is above all my greatest desire. 

one week during the series the following quote was shared:   "passion is waking up in the morning, wherever you are, however old or young and bounding out of bed because you know there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in.   that you're called to, something that's bigger than you are and you can hardly wait to get at it.  it's somethign you'd rather be doing more than anything else in the whole world.  you invest in it because that cause means more to you than money.  and you know it 's something that makes the world a better place for other people and not just yourself"  whit hobbs

this week i leave you with a few pictures of our children at the these pictures, i see our children  happy, loving and thriving...what more could i desire?

now, head on over to Robin Moore, Cary, North Carolina Photographer's blog and see what she desires...

