our first day of school... — GINGER UNZUETA

dear e, m, and c: today we started a new chapter in our life as a family.   it was a day i will never forget.   i thought about this day so much the past few years.  i talked with daddy about it. i talked to friends about it.  i prayed about it.    and i am happy to say we made it through and it was so much fun!    it wasn't the "first day of school" we've had in years past.   our pictures are a bit different this year.  there aren't pictures of you in a new smocked sundress or appliqued back to school t-shirt.  no new back pack and lunch box to match.   there isn't a picture with your new teacher and classmates.  no, things are different this year.  in fact, we started the day in pjs and we finished the day in our homemade tie dyed shirts.  

 i saw first hand that days won't always go smooth from start to finish.   my lesson plans may be just that ..plans.  some will be executed and some may not.   but at the end of the day, i saw the three of you laughing and playing make believe together and it made me smile.   before i know it, you will all be grown and this time we have together as a family is so precious.  so no, not every day will be perfect but every day will be a day together to cherish, grow and learn in some way and i am so thankful for that.   i can't wait for all the memories we will make .  i am grateful to have this opportunity to teach you and spend time with you as you learn about the world around you.   and i treasure these years together more than words can say...

i love you sweet three!

