project 52 l week 35 l glitter sparkle shine — GINGER UNZUETA

this week's theme is glitter, sparkle, and shine....i had in my head what i would do this week.  i thought a photo shoot of my youngest daughter and her cousin emma would be perfect.  they both sparkle and shine in their tutus and dress up!! i thought it would be the perfect excuse to get  them together in some adorable pictures.  unfortunately this did not happen. i  really don't know where the week was so busy.  we've had dance, tumbling and soccer all begin. we are on week three of homeschooling.  and it just seems like our days were a blur this week. we definitely need to find our rhythm.   but one morning i was up and it was so quiet and so peaceful and i looked outside and i was taken by the gorgeous sunrise.  our new house is on the lake and has an amazing morning view!   i grabbed my camera and snapped this beautiful sun. and i thought it certainly shined and sparkled and would be perfect for this week's theme. it reminds me of a quiet moment in a not so quiet week.  enjoy.

head on over to Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ and see what shine she has found!

