project 52 l week 34 l connection — GINGER UNZUETA

Welcome to week 34 of  project 52.   It's crazy to think we started this project in the dead of Winter and here we are about to embark on Fall.    We've had so many fun themes this year that have stretched my creativity in so many ways.  This week's theme is connection: what connection in your life do you adore? Many connections came to mind that I simply adore.  But this one that is so sweet and so real....I honestly could document it daily.  My middle child, our only son, absolutely adores BOTH of his sisters.   Today I was able to capture him and "baby sissy" as he refers to her.   It melts my heart to watch him with her. Every morning he runs up the stairs when he realizes she is FINALLY awake ..and he greets her with so much adoration and love.    I am so grateful for this sweet connection...

Continue on with our blog circle and see what connection Amy Ames photography, Holly Springs, NC photographer has to share with us....


