an angel gets her wings... — GINGER UNZUETA

last weekend my sister and brother n law were in town for the Christening of their first daughter.   it was such a lovely weekend filled with family gatherings and lots of catching up.    we are excited beyond belief to hear the news that my sister and her  family will be joining us all here in florida at the beginning of the new year.   while, i know it is hard for them to leave their family and precious friends in georgia we welcome them with open arms.  it has been over 18 years since my sister and i have lived in the same town and words would not do justice to explain how happy i am to have her close by. it has been amazing to see God bring us all back to our hometown this past year and now living on the same street.  a true blessing.   i had the honor of capturing this special day for my niece and all those that  love her.   i pray that God will bless her with a wonderful and healthy life filled with much happiness and love...

 and i'll leave you with one of the whole family....thank you to our family friend Mrs. H for being so kind to snap this for us....


blessings, ginger

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