

a fun craft app

my daughter  loves crafts.   she is always into anything and everthing in our house.  she is forever designing  and crafting things from her imagination.   for Christmas we were given an i pad from my parents and this one gift has opened up a world of fun for us...(but that would be a whole different post to cover).  after getting our ipad my mother told me about the disney craft finder app by family fun.  this is such a fun thing to use.  you pick your child's age, time you want to spend on the craft, and time of year/holiday.  it then gives you assorted crafts you can pick from.  we have had such fun this spring doing various crafts.  we have made pipe cleaner and button bugs, bead bookmarks, and today we made tissue butterflies.  usually the crafts are things we can do with stuff already in the house, but if not, they don't usually take much. a quick trip to the dollar tree or michaels and we are ready to work.   i highly recommend this disney craftfinder app, and if you don't use the apple applications you can go right to their webpage here and use their interactive page to find fun crafts.    after we finished our butterflies, she took them outside..and they took flight!  this one simple craft brought her so much joy on a saturday afternoon! undefined





"you don't chose your family-they are god's gift to you"

what a great quote by desmond tutu which i feel to be completely true.   i know i 've written before about sibling love and how much i love watching our children together.. loving each other, playing, and taking care of one another (and yes, even fighting with each other)   i grew up with 1 older brother and 2 younger sisters.   my brother and i were closest in age and i probably share the most memories with him during my childhood. sure there were times of bickering (my mom tells us how we used to have to go sit in bathroom together until we could work out our problems), but most of my memories are so special. we would play on our big wheels, play wiffle ball, around the world with basketball....then as we got older he'd drive us to school....and then i married one of his childhood best friends.   of course i also have memories with my sisters but i will say our relationships developed more as  we grew older, as they are 5 and 10 years younger than me.   but really no one knows you like your family. we are just blessed truly to all be close and share what we do.  and now it is so sweet to see our children becoming close--a new generation of memories being made.  today, i just want to say how grateful i am for each of my siblings...and to now be able to experience watching my own children share this unique bond with each other is priceless! 


undefined "there's no other love like the love for a brother.  there's no other love like the love from a brother. " ~Astrid Alauda





project 52 l week 11 l fooled ya'

welcome to another week of  project 52 with the bloom forum. i am participating in this year long project with 20 other amazing ladies.   there are also a number of other "blog circles" you can check out over on the blog.  these circles are great sources of inspiration with various topics each week. i love perusing through them.   last week our group did the theme out of focus, which was definitely a challenge.  this week was yet, another hard one for me.  it took me until the final day to decide what i would even do.   i cannot wait to see how the other gals in the group interpret this theme.    this week our them is-- fooled ya':  create an image that may look like one thing but in reality is another. for this theme many things came to was to photograph this fake little frog my daughter keeps scaring me with, it definitely fools me every time.  i also contemplated over using silk flowers and seeing how they would work. but in the end, this is what i did. 

did i fool you?   there she stands with her wooden ice cream cone!  Head on over to see what Linsey Stuckey, Houston TX Photographer, has decided to fool you with.





the creative mama photo challenge v7 l winner

this afternoon i was elated to find out i had won the photo challenge for the week at one of my most favorite blogs.  if you haven't checked out the creative mama, you need to.  these amazing ladies do fun posts ranging on everything from photography, mama fashion, kids crafts, fertility, and so much more.   i  find them so inspiring and there's always a little of something we can all relate to as mamas.  i have submitted photos to each of these challenges; not for the prizes but for the challenge they bring me each time.  this week i decided rather last minute to partake (it's been a crazy week here).  you can read about the "welcoming something new" challenge here. basically, the goal was to shoot in a different way than you normally do. as i've said many times i love light, sun flare and warmth in my photos, but i adore moody black and whites as well. i just don't do them often enough and need to get better at them, so this was a great challenge for me.   thank you to the ladies at creative mama for picking my picture. it melts my heart to see my little guy over on their blog.  this is by far one of my favorites of him to date.   you can read more about him here .  God certainly had a plan for him in our family.....  he is so full of love and adoration for us all.  we are blessed beyond words.





one of those mornings...

it was time to get my son to preschool and i was in the bedroom dressing.  my son was going to brush his teeth before school and the next thing i hear is mom come look.  and off i went to go look. wow.  my 18 month old decided to brush her teeth too and was over joyed with how she looked, how the toothpaste tasted and the mess she had made.   i embraced the moment, laughed and of course grabbed my camera.  love these candid shots ...real life...right now..

she was so cute here, pointing right at herself. i didn't get it perfectly in focus, fast enough but i loved it and had to share....this sweet thing is always into something!  hope you had a great thursday....the weekend is almost here!



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all dolled up

today my oldest had her dance pictures taken at the studio.   i always love to take my camera into the dance studio and get pictures because the lighting is so ideal.   the recital is only weeks away and my little dancer cannot wait.  she lights up and is having the best time with jazz this year.   we waited to start dance until she was 5 and asking to take it. i was hesitant to start any sooner and wanted to wait until she was pursuing it versus us pushing her into it. i didn't know what to expect with the costumes, make up and various dance moves.  i don't ever want to see our children growing up any faster than they need to.  but as the past two years have progressed i have watched her come alive when dancing.  she loves performing and it is so special to see her doing something that her heart is so into. and here she is all dolled up...still not sure what i think of all of this--i can't help but ask, where did the little girl go?


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project 52 l week 10 l out of focus

 It's week TEN of the Bloom Forum's project 52.    This has been quite a journey so far and challenged me in new and exciting  ways.   It has definitely stretched my creativity and made me try new things.   Last week we did the color green.  It was a fun theme to do as Spring has just began.   This week's theme is --Out of Focus: Turn your lens on manual focus, purposely expose an image out of focus.  For the last year or so, I have started shooting only in manual and have been learning so much about exposure, aperture, and shutter speed. If you are new to shooting in manual I highly recommend the book:  Understanding Exposure: by Bryan Petersen.   I see this book recommended all the time by amazing photographers.  It is a great reference point as you begin to really know your camera.   This week I decided to try slowing my shutter speed down so that I could get part of my picture out of focus, or in this case, to show movement.  By no means did these come out exactly as I had envisioned, but I was happy with the end result.  I will keep practicing as it is another fun technique to try:)  I enlisted my oldest daughter for these shots and she was more than happy ecstatic and beaming from ear to ear to get to jump on her bed.  And Daddy, if you are reading this as well..NO this is not something new we do since you have been deployed the last seven months.   This was ONLY for these fun pictures. Enjoy!!! 

 Don't forget to keep following our blog circle.  Next up is  Jennifer Hill, South Georgia Photographer.  





loving the little things

don't you just love when you find your children engaged and so happy playing (and not fighting) ?  and isn't it icing on the cake when it's just the little things..nothing too big?!   this weekend we made a trip to Lowe's and bought some sand for $2.99 and then we travelled on to the Dollar Tree and bought some new toys to use in the sand table.   with a little imagination and some glorious spring weather,  these three had a morning of fun.  what little things do your children enjoy doing? what fun spring things have been filling your days? i'd love you to share..  

i bought these little men for the kids, not thinking about what they were all doing (fighting with weapons)--but the kids did not seem to notice and just seemed happy to have some people for their sand town...

our new walker has a little boo boo as proof of her determination





project 52 l week 9 l the color green

it's week 9 of project 52 with the bloom forum.  you can read about this fun project here.  you can also go the the forum's blog and check out the other groups' blog circles!   this week's theme was: the color green & shamrocks--get outside and discover the green!! find some shamrocs... some luck?!

well, no i  did not find any shamrocks....but i did find lots of green showing up around us.  it is such a blessing to see green again. i love spring and all the blossoms, new growth, and really delightful weather! this week's  picture features my six year old daughter enjoying a spring day in the green grass.   i love her age right now. she is learning so much daily and is becoming this smart and compassionate girl who is so inquisitive and full of excitement to experience new things . yet, she  still has this complete innocence about her. i'd say it really is the best of both worlds...undefined 

 Now head on over to Lynn's page (Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ) and see what  green she found! 





a frame a week wednesday l week 10

as I begin my post for this week i realize that i had a black and white theme going on ....its funny. my whole house is mostly black and white pictures but i love seeing them in color too. something though draws me to the black and white processing and the emotions they can evoke .  whatever the case, here is the three i chose of my three babies this week!  

you will find sweet c at this door most afternoons.  i am usually trying to pull dinner together and big sister and brother are out with the neighborhood kids. she has caught on to this and definitely wants out to be with the fun...undefined oh, how i love these of our little guy...he is always so full of energy and excitement!!   it has been bubble time around our house the past few weeks and it suits me just fine.  nothing beats a warm afternoon, sitting in the lawn, and watching the kids giggle and run!

and last up is miss E.   just a sweet reminder of the place we have called home the past 5 years.  we are moving this summer and will miss our walks down to the river.   what a peaceful place it is to be.   see you next week for my family frame a week!!!  until then--have a great weekend!!






this weekend i got to photograph one glowing pregnant mama!!!  i only wish i could have looked as radiant as my friend holly does at 7 months pregnant.  wow!   holly and i have enjoyed such a special friendship the past 7 months.  our husbands deployed to the middle east days apart and from there we have spent countless hours together.  i will always look back on this time and remember so fondly the days we spent with this sweet family.   our friendship is one i will cherish forever.   holly found out she was pregnant shortly after her husband deployed--making this such a special surprise for both her and her husband.  he will be returning very shortly and i know he will be so taken with his beautiful wife's growing belly!  i hope you enjoy this little peak of this mama to be....

 one beautiful pregnant mama!


undefined this was my personal favorite of the this sweet moment of holly and her babies!





project 52 l week 8 l mostly dark

Welcome to week 8 of the project 52.  I am participating in this weekly project this year through the bloom forum.   You can read more about this project here.  Last week we focused on the theme of light.   This week's theme was: mostly dark-use the light to highlight a small part of the frame.

I have to say this was a very hard week for me. I am used to shooting using the sun to my advantage. I love light, sun flare, and anything warm. BUT I began this project to be challenged and am grateful for assignments like these. We have a great group leader,  ( Rachel May Fredericksburg Virginia Photographer)  and she gave us all some wonderful tips.  So I used this week to play around with what she had shown us and am posting my favorite few.

These were all taken indoors, NO flash, using available window light and my 50 mm lens.


 Don't forget to keep following our blog circle.  Up next: Nancy Schumacher Thompson, ND Photographer





a frame a week wednesday l week 9

this week was the first of march and also marked our first trip out to the beach this year.  we live only about 10 minutes from the beach and love spending time out there.  bathing suits are not needed to have is funny how the different seasons bring different fun for us at the beach.  the best part of this year is everyone LOVES it!!   last year it took our middle child, M, a while to warm up to the beach. loud noises can sometimes bother him and i'll never forget our first trip out last year. we were all so excited and ready to play and he stood on the boardwalk, ears covered,  screaming to go home..this year was a different story.   we didn't stay long as it was still a little chilly but we definitely can't wait to go back very soon.  miss E...


making a "sand angel" ...

undefined finally baby C...oh boy, she loved the sand!





capturing us

it wasn't too long ago that i came across this post from a fellow photographer called don't miss it.  i really loved this post by the rancher's wife kate, a wonderful and inspiring woman.    the article was so true.   often as mothers and women in general we focus on the negatives of ourselves and not the beauty of today and who we represent to our families in this moment.  we often grab our camera to capture every moment of our children, not missing any milestone they adventure into....but then there is one person we forget to capture---ourselves.   i can be the first to admit i am so critical of every photo i am in and not always wanting to share the way i look from day to day (work out shorts and a t shirt) with the world...but i have made it my goal this year and from now on to make sure i am in these memories.  our children and grandchildren won't look back and think wow, mom could have really stood to lose a few pounds...or wow, she looks so tired and worn out. no, our children will remember those times together;  hopefully nostalgically and be so glad to see us in them.  so i challenge you also,  to make this the year,  you get in your pictures...whether you hire someone to take family portraits for you or you simply get a tripod and set your timer (or hand your camera to a friend) --you won't regret it... 

since i am with my kids alone most of the time these days, i have vowed to learn to get a good picture using the tripod. i have even ordered a remote to make this easier.   this time my little guy was up for the challenge with me....and i am so glad i did it.  it feels silly sometimes but once you get over that - it can be a lot of fun.

 and if you feel silly setting the tripod up out in public--you can always do it right in your own home. i love this one  and how he decided to plant a kiss on me right in the middle of the picture.  what a fun memory i now have to cherish!





project 52 l week 7 l light filled

welcome back to week 7 of project 52.  this is a year long project i am participating in with the bloom forum. you can read more about this project here. this week's theme was  light filled: use the sun to your advantage and paint an image of light!

late afternoon is my favorite time to take pictures.  i adore the golden sun hour and think it produces the most beautiful pictures.   we are fortunate in that we live right near a river and the kids love to go down there for walks.  we do this quite often and i thought it would be a perfect place to capture this week's image.   the kids had just received new nets so we had a great reason to go on an afternoon adventure.. 

i really loved the picture above. i have to say i look at it and can't believe how big he is getting.  he turned four last fall and it saddens me in ways to see the "baby" leaving and the little boy blossoming.  the picture below on the right shows the true spirit of my little guy...he was just a tad excited! i am beyond  happy that  it is warming up again...

don't forget to follow our blog circle...head on over to Tamara's page and see what light filled image she chose!





"today was good. today was fun. tomorrow is another one."

happy birthday dr. seuss!

i think i could list quotes from this great man all day long. quotes that would make me smile, giggle, and even ponder a bit?  where would childhood reading be without these great stories we have all grown to know and love?  i'd hate to imagine.   my daughter's school celebrates each year with fun days all week long. 

we've celebrated with the fox in the socks, put me in the zoo,  and today is wacky wednesday.  we 'll wrap the week up with oh, the places you'll go and on friday will be the 500 hats of bartholomew cubbins.  i think this is a great way for the students to learn more about dr. seuss and to have a little fun too.

i'd love to hear what your children's schools do?  or what do you do at home?  i know next year we will begin homeschooling and this will for sure be one thing we will continue to celebrate...






smitten was just how i felt about this this family of five.  they were all so natural in front of the camera and were so fun to be around.  their family is so much like my own with three children...two girls and a boy sandwiched in between.   their oldest two really reminded me of mine and just were as precious as can be. i loved it when little  J came up and held my hand--how sweet are little boys?!  and the best news is..this daddy isn't deploying any time soon. they are just enjoying this bliss time together as a growing family. thanks for giving me the oppoturnity to capture these special memories of you together. i hope you enjoy them!

She had the most gorgeous eyes...a mama's love for her baby ...


Miss E loved the camera, which made it fun for me...oh he was so precious...loved loved loved this one of daddy with j





project 52 l week 6 l bokeh

it's week six of the bloom forum's project 52 .  you can read more about this project here.  this project has been such fun as it has really made me stretch my creativity each week.  this week's theme was bokeh.  bokeh is defined in photography as the blur,or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."  i have to admit shooting wide open is my favorite thing to do. i love it!! but it can be challenging .  this week's picture is of my oldest daughter down by the river .  this was shot in the late afternoon with my 50 mm  lens at 1.4. it is focused on her right eye  and you will see, from there, the focus gets softer.  i love the natural feel of this picture--her hair is a mess, no fancy outfits, accessories, etc. i just look at it and see right into her eyes as if looking right into her far my favorite type of  moments to capture  of  our children...


don't forget to head on over to Tabitha Patrick Port Huron, MI Photographer's blog and see her beautiful bokeh!





soft i love yous

 that  is what i kept hearing this adoring daddy whisper to his wife and children...."i love you"...and my heart just smiled.  oh, how i enjoyed this time i spent with the m family.   what a blessing they are to be around.  sadly, this family is preparing for goodbye....a year long goodbye.    once again, i was honored to be able to give them these memories to cherish and hold on to while away from each other this year.   what you see is what they playful and full of love.   as you will see in this (larger than normal ) preview i've highlighted the love this daddy has for his special indeed.  kelly, it was my pleasure to do these for you guys and sam,  i had such fun getting to know you. i wish you all the best during this time. you will all be in our prayers.


how cute are they??!! what a fun loving Dad..

 the baby of the family was just as sweet as can be.....

happy 12 years to this sweet loving couple...





project 52 l week 5 l food

 Welcome back to another week of Project 52 with the Bloom Forum.  You can read more about this fun project here.  This is week 5 and the theme of the week is :   Food--show us what you like to eat. This was a hard week for me.   I am not someone who has a lot of experience taking pictures of food. I do love to cook and I love to bake, but I can't say my final projects are always photo worthy.  Then there was the decision of what food to pick?   I love so many cream, cakes, cookies, most anything on the grill ???  But I finally came to my decision.  I picked chips and salsa!   This is a staple in our house most every week.   I love making fresh salsa and the whole family loves to eat it, so I thought it would be a perfect food to pick.

 And my favorite little guy got to help with the preparations...

Now head on over to Michelle's page and see what she has cooking!  


fresh salsa recipe( warning: I do most of this to taste, so these are merely approximations)

1-2 cans of diced tomatoes (depending on how spicy you like it--you can get Rotel, garlic and onion, zesty mild green chilies...just to name a few of the different variations in canned tomatoes)

a small handfull of cilantro

a squeeze of a lime

minced garlic (to taste)

Adobo (to taste)

oregano  (to taste)

pinch of crushed red pepper

Blend it all in the food processor. 

Taste it and add more of anything needed.



