the creative mama photo challenge v7 l winner — GINGER UNZUETA

this afternoon i was elated to find out i had won the photo challenge for the week at one of my most favorite blogs.  if you haven't checked out the creative mama, you need to.  these amazing ladies do fun posts ranging on everything from photography, mama fashion, kids crafts, fertility, and so much more.   i  find them so inspiring and there's always a little of something we can all relate to as mamas.  i have submitted photos to each of these challenges; not for the prizes but for the challenge they bring me each time.  this week i decided rather last minute to partake (it's been a crazy week here).  you can read about the "welcoming something new" challenge here. basically, the goal was to shoot in a different way than you normally do. as i've said many times i love light, sun flare and warmth in my photos, but i adore moody black and whites as well. i just don't do them often enough and need to get better at them, so this was a great challenge for me.   thank you to the ladies at creative mama for picking my picture. it melts my heart to see my little guy over on their blog.  this is by far one of my favorites of him to date.   you can read more about him here .  God certainly had a plan for him in our family.....  he is so full of love and adoration for us all.  we are blessed beyond words.

