project 52 l week 8 l mostly dark — GINGER UNZUETA

Welcome to week 8 of the project 52.  I am participating in this weekly project this year through the bloom forum.   You can read more about this project here.  Last week we focused on the theme of light.   This week's theme was: mostly dark-use the light to highlight a small part of the frame.

I have to say this was a very hard week for me. I am used to shooting using the sun to my advantage. I love light, sun flare, and anything warm. BUT I began this project to be challenged and am grateful for assignments like these. We have a great group leader,  ( Rachel May Fredericksburg Virginia Photographer)  and she gave us all some wonderful tips.  So I used this week to play around with what she had shown us and am posting my favorite few.

These were all taken indoors, NO flash, using available window light and my 50 mm lens.


 Don't forget to keep following our blog circle.  Up next: Nancy Schumacher Thompson, ND Photographer

