project 52 l week 7 l light filled — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome back to week 7 of project 52.  this is a year long project i am participating in with the bloom forum. you can read more about this project here. this week's theme was  light filled: use the sun to your advantage and paint an image of light!

late afternoon is my favorite time to take pictures.  i adore the golden sun hour and think it produces the most beautiful pictures.   we are fortunate in that we live right near a river and the kids love to go down there for walks.  we do this quite often and i thought it would be a perfect place to capture this week's image.   the kids had just received new nets so we had a great reason to go on an afternoon adventure.. 

i really loved the picture above. i have to say i look at it and can't believe how big he is getting.  he turned four last fall and it saddens me in ways to see the "baby" leaving and the little boy blossoming.  the picture below on the right shows the true spirit of my little guy...he was just a tad excited! i am beyond  happy that  it is warming up again...

don't forget to follow our blog circle...head on over to Tamara's page and see what light filled image she chose!

