project 52 l week 6 l bokeh — GINGER UNZUETA

it's week six of the bloom forum's project 52 .  you can read more about this project here.  this project has been such fun as it has really made me stretch my creativity each week.  this week's theme was bokeh.  bokeh is defined in photography as the blur,or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."  i have to admit shooting wide open is my favorite thing to do. i love it!! but it can be challenging .  this week's picture is of my oldest daughter down by the river .  this was shot in the late afternoon with my 50 mm  lens at 1.4. it is focused on her right eye  and you will see, from there, the focus gets softer.  i love the natural feel of this picture--her hair is a mess, no fancy outfits, accessories, etc. i just look at it and see right into her eyes as if looking right into her far my favorite type of  moments to capture  of  our children...


don't forget to head on over to Tabitha Patrick Port Huron, MI Photographer's blog and see her beautiful bokeh!

