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wishing you a day of love ...

I have to admit I think I enjoy Valentine's Day even more now that we have children.  I love the baking, the crafting and all the child like activities I get to do with the kids.   It is so fun helping them make their Valentines to share with their buddies.   We've been having fun making glitter hearts, ribbon bracelets, and a yummy pink cake.  I even got my embroidery machine back out and made each of the kids a new t shirt for this special day.   But sadly, I think that there is so much hype that goes along with this holiday that  it makes it lose its fun for so many people. I think pressure has been given to husbands and men all over to buy the perfect gift or create the perfect date night.  I would be lying to say I haven't fallen into that category a time or two. But I think after spending so many holidays apart from the one I love the most, I've been able to gain an appreciation for just every day love.   I am so grateful to have so much love in my life and this is a day to celebrate that!  It doesn't take red roses or heart shaped candies to do really doesn't take much at all. 

I wish you all a day simply filled with love.  Happy Valentine's Day.




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a quarter a night

Bedtime in our house can get tricky some parent and three children all with their different bed time routines.   This week we implemented something new and it seems to be working well for now.   E can earn a quarter a night ( up to a $1.00 a week)  to read a book to her brother.    This helps keep things a bit calm and quiet while getting baby C to bed.   Tonight I finished up and was able to catch the two of them fully engaged with Olivia.  Of course, I couldn't help but get the camera out and sneak a few pictures. Sweet memories...





project 52 l week 4 l love

Welcome to Week 4 of Project 52 .  You can read more about this project here.   This week's theme is Love: What does this word mean to you? What best defines it in your life? 

 I have been thinking about this theme all week.   I could have done so many pictures to represent LOVE in my life.   Most images that come to mind are of my children and my husband or of family and friends.   But as I thought about this all week, I had one image in mind that just kept coming back.  It was actually a picture I took a little over a month ago while in Florida visiting our families.    

This picture is of  my husband's parents...who are like second parents to me as well.   I am very close to my own parents, but have been doubly blessed because I married into an extraordinary loving family as well.   My in laws have been married over forty years and when I look at this picture I see the true definition of love and commitment shining through.   My father n law was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It has been heart wrenching to watch the changes in him due to this disease.  My mother n law amazes me day in and day out with her strength, her patience, her devotion and her trust in God.    Besides being an amazing wife she is a mother to four boys.   She is truly one of the most giving people I have ever met.   So, today, she is my definition of LOVE..the undying love for her husband and children. A woman who gives of her heart in whatever manner she can.  

As 1 Corinthians says:  Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

I hope and pray  my husband and I will share a love like this for over forty years as well. 

Don't forget to head on over to Jen's page to see what LOVE meant to her.....





a frame a week wednesdays l week 4

It's week four of my family 52 project and the last week of January. This week I was excited to get pictures of all the kids in their element.  First up is baby C.  Our easygoing little girl that loves to sleep. I caught this cute one of her the other day before she woke up from nap time.  I just love those little toes and that already worn out  blankey that is always by her side.

Next up is our Bubby...or as C is now calling him Bu Bu.  I thought it would be fun to get pictures of him to remember him at 4.  Pictures that would remind us of him at this age with his loves.  

 There still isn't a night he doesn't go to bed without blue blankey, Lucy and Pony.....and if he comes to find Momma in the middle of the night; all the loves come too!

And most every day you'll find this little guy on the floor, just like this, with his cars lined up.

Finally, we have Miss E.   This is truly her element.  She is always crafting something and she comes up with the most creative things.  We are still working on cleaning up after the projects. 





a very cute 2 year old

We've been talking about doing pictures of this adorable little guy for a while now.   We finally got the chance to  get a few of  him after having way too many rainy days!   This family is one of the amazing families I have mentioned before on this blog.   The mother, Becky, has been a lifesaver to me on many occasions. Our daughters' have become the best of friends the past year, spending many afternoons and evenings with each other.  In addition, our families  had the joy of taking a road trip to Florida together this Christmas . We figured out mid trip that combined we had a 7 year old, 6 year old, 5 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and a 1 year was crazy, but something we won't forget. I can't thank them enough for always being such special friends.  I hope you enjoy the sneak peak of J's pictures....






before they say goodbye

This shoot was really bitter sweet.....I had so much fun getting to know this family better.  Their four year old daughter  was so full of life and ready to explore the river, the mud puddles, the trees..anything we came upon.  But as we had this time together, I knew this family would be saying goodbye for seven months in just two short days.   Having gone through this myself during the last year, I know how hard the last few days can be.  I felt so happy that I could give them this gift before the departure date.   I wish you all the best during these months apart; your family will certainly be in our prayers.  Here are a few of my favorites from our time together....






project 52 l week 2 l black & white

Here is week two of our 52 week project! To read more about this 52 week project you can go here. This week's theme is black & white. Black & white images are great for showing emotion, and really focusing on what is going on in an image.   

The weather has been cold and rainy a lot this I thought it would be the perfect time to practice shooting with window light.  The picture I picked for this week is of my oldest child watching the snow from her bedroom window. It is sweet and simple.  

During the week, I used this time to take a few other shots around the house using natural light.  These next two pictures are of my youngest daughter.      The first one has some flaws technically, but I still LOVE this shot of her.  I just love that face .  And the second one just makes me smile, because it shows her personality and her love of life.


Don't forget to follow our  Blog Circle. It is such fun to see what the other gals in the group come up with. Next,  head on over to Lucy's blog  and see her black and white entry---you won't be disappointed!



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operation purge and organize

The last two days have resulted in four bags of "stuff" to get rid of in our playroom/art closet.   It was something that needed to be done when we moved into our house two years ago-- but shortly after moving in  I began having terrible all day nausea with the pregnancy of our baby girl, then this little baby girl came into the world 7 weeks earlier than expected (and our world turned upside down)  and then my husband began the many mini-deployment trips leading up to the big departure day last here we are two years later and  life has gone on and the room has stayed unorganized.  It feels so good to have started this project..which all leads me to today's picture.  The baby, who is now, not so much a baby, is right there, in the midst of life, wanting to be just like big brother.  I cannot believe it.

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a frame a week wednesdays l week 3

This week's features...

 During one of our many cold days spent inside, E decided to coordinate a puppet show.  This is a pretty common thing with her. She is always coming up with some type of performance for us.   This  time all the dolls and stuffed animals sat in the audience with me.   Very cute!

Next just a tender moment of C in her room.    Love when I can catch these memories... day we did get out and enjoy a nice "warmer" day at the park...I had to include C again, b/c she was having a blast with her walker.  Then there's M and I just thought I HAD to remember him and his love for Pony and Lucy...his pals he brought to the park --the pals he's slept with as long as we can remember. 



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my kind of saturday

I love  Saturdays, but Saturdays that include nothing we have TO DO, are the best.  A morning of homemade waffles, a suprise snow shower, hot chocolate by the fire, jammies on all day, and lots of relaxing...

A true Florida girl at heart...filling her sand bucket full of snow!   

So excited to get out and jump in the their jammies!!! 

They may have their disagreements, but there is a lot of love between them!

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puddle jumping fun

We woke up to another dreary, rainy and cold day here in North Carolina. BUT thankfully, as the weather man predicted, by mid morning the rain had ceased.   Thanks to my fellow photog friend Maria, I had some inspiration to take my 4 year old out for some fun.  And fun was just what this little guy had...

We had a blast searching the neighborhood for the BIGGEST, muddiest, best puddles....

 There's just something about a boy and dirt..

And then it was off for a warm bath for this wet, cold boy--but it sure was a good time!


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it's the little things

There are so many little things I will miss as our last "baby" is growing up and moving into the world of toddlers.  One of these things is watching her eat.   I know it sounds kind of nuts, weird even?  But she is the first of our three that just LOVES to eat.  She will go as far as snatching food from you if she has a chance.  But it isn't really the fact that she will eat anything and everything that I will miss so much or is watching those tiny little fingers take food to her mouth.  I don't know what it is , but to me it is just yummy!!! 

Probably wondering why her crazy mama is taking pictures of her eating???!!

 Oh, how I adore you!





a frame a week wednesdays | week 2

This week our house was filled with a couple of  fun surprises... The first was a snow storm that brought much more snow than we expected.  We all ventured out and enjoyed this fun filled day!    The second surprise of the week was E lost her very first tooth!! She was super excited as she lost it at school. She bolted off the bus with it to show Momma!  It was so special to see her filled with so much excitement.

 E had a blast in the snow...she definitely lasted the longest of the three.

C didn't know what to think...she actually did laugh and smile alot but she looks so un happy in most of the pictures!

M's faces say it all...he had a love hate relationship with the snow that day!

Next up.. the before and after of E's tooth.   (I know , it's supposed to be a frame a week, but I just couldn't narrow it down this week)

Then so excited as she got off the bus..

And one last picture from the week....just loved this one of sweet C at bath time!





a frame a week wednesdays | week 1

I have decided this year to do a family 52 project. Every Wednesday I will post a picture of each of our children that was my favorite from the previous week.  This is a good way for me to stay organized, so that at the end of the year I can easily publish each child a book of the year.   These memories are always so special to go back and cherish. This week's pictures were super easy to pick. They were all taken on our last week of our visit to Florida.   What a fun time it was.

The first one is of E.  I love this one and actually entered it into a photo challenge on one of my favorite blog sites: The Creative Mama.   I was super ecstatic one day when I saw they had shared it on their blog as one of their favorite submissions.   The theme was growth and change.   You can see my entry here:  .  I titled my picture Florida Sun and this is what I shared:

Florida Sun

This picture represents many things to me....the growth we have had as a family the past year as my husband is currently on his 3rd deployment since 2006. This was our first Christmas without him and we (my three children and I ) have come home to our hometown in Florida to be surrounded by loved ones during this also represents change and growth in the New Year ahead as we pray for orders to come back close to home. My father -n-law is ill and we pray to have some quality time here with him in these hard days. So as I see this picture and revel in the Florida sun...I have many wishes for our new year ahead and we count down the days to be a family of five again and hopefully close to our extended family as well...

 Next up, Mr. M.   We were trying to get a picture for my parent's Christmas card--one that would include all of their grandchildren. This was pretty challenging because 3 are 1 and under.    Well, this obviously wasn't the card, but when going through the pictures, I couldn't help but laugh.   I guess all his girl cousins are a little much for him to handle!!

 Last picture of the week...our sweet C.   I've posted this picture once. But it is just the perfect one of her to start the New Year with.  This picture is her....sweet, happy, full of life and wonder...





a childhood friendship

Over the Christmas holiday we spent three weeks in Florida in the town my husband and I grew up in.   While home we all got sick and didn't get to see as many people as we would have hoped.  But we did get to spend the afternoon one day with my childhood friend Tabitha and her three children.  It was such a great time catching up.  Tabitha was the friend I spent day after day, week after week, year after year, playing with...from house to house and yard to yard. We have many treasured memories together.   It is amazing to now see how closely our lives have paralleled each other over the many years; from joining the same sorority in college, to marrying into the military life, to each having three children--the similarities really are crazy.  Thanks for a memorable afternoon.






1 plus 1 equals 2---- not always?

I love this picture of my two oldest children for so many reasons.  It just represents so much about both of them in such an amazing way.  

 At first glance it is the two of them ready to jump from the jungle gym at the neighborhood park.  But to me, it is so much more.   I see two children, so different in so many ways but also surprisingly so alike these days.  There is 2 1/2 years exactly between them.   Not long ago these two seemed world's apart; one was in diapers completely dependent on mama for most everything --the other not so much.   Fast forward 4 years and they are the best of friends and rivals.  They play together so well and want to do most of the same things, they go to bed at about the same time, like most of the same movies and shows, can get dressed alone and are pretty self sufficient, wear the same sized shoes and are only a mere 4 pounds apart. I could really go on and on. 

But how subtle this picture also shows me their differences.  The lace ties of my six year old, who can now tie her shoes, and is reading and starting to lose her first teeth.  The pink on her legs reminding me of the girly girl she is and her love for drama, dolls, dance, and arts.   And then there is the Velcro of my son, reminding me he isn't quite there with his sister yet..but always chasing his dream to be just like her.  His jeans reminding me of his love for adventure and fearless spirit.  His leadership qualities waiting to blossom, but these days presenting as stubbornness and defiance.

So no, 1+1 may not always equal 2, but it certainly isn't 1.   I love watching our children grow and develop into their own personalities.   For now, I will cherish these days, where I see them loving to play together one minute but fighting the next, declaring their independence.    What a fun journey motherhood is.






Definition of Glorify:  (according to Merriam
1 : to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration b : to elevate to celestial glory
2: to light up brilliantly
3 : to represent as glorious : extol <a song glorifying romantic love> b : to cause to be or seem to be better than the actual condition <the new position is just a glorified version of the old stockroom job>
4: to give glory to (as in worship)

Examples of Glorify:  Glorify and give thanks to God.

It's hard to believe another year has been born.  The days and months pass so quickly; much too quickly in fact.  I can vividly remember last year being in my car and hearing a segment on the radio about picking one word for you for the year. A word that would represent you at that time in life or something you hoped to become.   Again, as this New Year has started, I have also seen challenges within the blogging community to do this very thing.   It's a great way to reflect and set goals or wishes for the New Year ahead.   The word I have chosen is :


I find this word perfect for 2011 (and really any year) in so many ways.   I feel challenged and hopeful to GLORIFY God in all things I do--in all walks of my life...

  •  As a Wife
  • As a Mother
  • As a Daughter
  • As a Sister
  • As a Friend
  • As a Neighbor
  • In how I spend my free time
  •  Through my health and well being
  • Through my photography and other creative outlets

The list could go on.  I know I will not always succeed and in that there IS NOT failure but learning.  As I said, this is an ongoing challenge and hope of mine for the year and years to come.   What is your word? What does it say about your year ahead? 





what it's all about...


 As a mother to three children; 6 and under, there are moments in the day, when I can honestly say, I want to sneak in to a closet and soak in the quiet.   Don't get me wrong, I love every bit of being a mom and I cherish these babies more than anything.   I love staying home and would not have it any other way.  I had no idea the magnitude of love I would feel for them, before becoming a mother....but I'd be lying and being a phony to say, that I never have "those" moments--especially when it seems like the past few years I've been doing this solo a good majority of the time.  I do feel totally blessed that we can serve our country and God in the manner we do, but it is hard work keeping it all going.   As I looked through pictures today, the above picture  just caught me and made me giggle to myself.   As I began to think of my 16 month old and her innocent giggles and her wondrous world of exploring,  I thought, this is what life is all about...





belly laughs

I couldn't wait for this shoot; I have to admit I have been excited for months to come home and capture these three.....maybe because I am pretty smitten with Miss Emma and knew she would light up the camera, or maybe because it is my sister and her super husband and my adorable niece,  and then again, maybe it was in part due to the amazing location with great opportunities for great pictures.   I would say ALL OF THE ABOVE.    Emma is pure joy with her deep loud belly laughs, her smile that lights up the entire room, and her love for Mama that no one can replace. I  hope you enjoy these...I sure did have a blast taking them! 

