this weekend i got to photograph one glowing pregnant mama!!!  i only wish i could have looked as radiant as my friend holly does at 7 months pregnant.  wow!   holly and i have enjoyed such a special friendship the past 7 months.  our husbands deployed to the middle east days apart and from there we have spent countless hours together.  i will always look back on this time and remember so fondly the days we spent with this sweet family.   our friendship is one i will cherish forever.   holly found out she was pregnant shortly after her husband deployed--making this such a special surprise for both her and her husband.  he will be returning very shortly and i know he will be so taken with his beautiful wife's growing belly!  i hope you enjoy this little peak of this mama to be....

 one beautiful pregnant mama!


undefined this was my personal favorite of the this sweet moment of holly and her babies!

