a fun craft app — GINGER UNZUETA

my daughter  loves crafts.   she is always into anything and everthing in our house.  she is forever designing  and crafting things from her imagination.   for Christmas we were given an i pad from my parents and this one gift has opened up a world of fun for us...(but that would be a whole different post to cover).  after getting our ipad my mother told me about the disney craft finder app by family fun.  this is such a fun thing to use.  you pick your child's age, time you want to spend on the craft, and time of year/holiday.  it then gives you assorted crafts you can pick from.  we have had such fun this spring doing various crafts.  we have made pipe cleaner and button bugs, bead bookmarks, and today we made tissue butterflies.  usually the crafts are things we can do with stuff already in the house, but if not, they don't usually take much. a quick trip to the dollar tree or michaels and we are ready to work.   i highly recommend this disney craftfinder app, and if you don't use the apple applications you can go right to their webpage here and use their interactive page to find fun crafts.    after we finished our butterflies, she took them outside..and they took flight!  this one simple craft brought her so much joy on a saturday afternoon! undefined

