project 52 l week 30 l discovery — GINGER UNZUETA

wow, is it really week 30? the year is flying by way too fast.  i've loved getting to see all the project 52 photographer's work and you can check them all out at the bloom inspiring.  this week's theme is discovery: what is something new you have discovered? maybe your children are discovering something new? earlier in the week i was talking to my sister-n-law and she was telling me about how their youngest daughter is trying to take her first steps.  she will be one in september.  i couldn't help but think of all the fun discoveries  as babies enter into the world of  becoming a toddler.   i was able to capture her and i have to say she is such a cutie.    we got lots of wonderful family shots, so please check back later in the week, as i will have their post up very soon. for now, enjoy this sweet glimpse into the world of CHA CHA...


now head on over to the blog of Linsey Stuckey, Houston, Texas Photographer and see what discovery she has made!! I am sure it is fantastic!!!

happy friday, ginger



