project 52 l week 24 l movement — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome back to project 52.  i cannot believe it is week 24. i wasn't sure if i would make it this week, but i've vowed to not miss a week in this 52 week project.  this week's theme is movement: use your shutter speed to either blur movement or freeze it. this week i didn't really follow the theme, technically...i didn't use my shutter speed to either freeze or blur movement, but instead i had a different approach. today we will be moving from what has been our home the past five years here in north carolina and heading to our hometown in florida.  and yes, we are estatic to live close to our families and old friends, but it is so bitter sweet. this week was so emotionally hard. i have made friends here that are as close as family and saying goodbye was very difficult.  in addition, its sad to leave the familiar places and routes we've been on the past five is just sad saying goodbye. 

but without further ado, i say goodbye to this sweet lejeune.   i will miss you...i will miss all of the people and this community.  its a place where friends will do anything for each other.... a place where wives bond and stick together while husbands go away for months at a time...a place where kids can still run from house to house to play together....its just a sweet sweet place to live.  


now continue on with our blog circle and see what the super talented Julie Livermore, Rawlins, WY photographer has for movement!

xoxo, ginger

