six cousins and some gorgeous sun... — GINGER UNZUETA

this morning we started the day early...alarm had to be set as we usually do not rise before 8:00  in our house.   we wanted to get some family portraits done before it got too hot.  and here in gets hot very early!!  we have been planning to get some pictures of all the cousins on my side of the family. we found a day that worked for all of us, although one very important  new cousin was still missing. my sister, who lives in georgia,  delivered her first baby a little over a month ago.  so the newest little one of the bunch was not a part of our photo shoot but we will capture her the minute she arrives in town to meet us worries!   the rest of the kids ALL live on the same street now!  what a blessing it has been the past month enjoying this new NORM for us.  the kids all had fun together and we were able to get one shot with all of them...(we wanted to do a surprise for my dad's upcoming birthday--shhhhh, it's still a secret).   it is very hard to get six children ages 11 months, 17 months, 23 months, 4, 7 and 7 1/2 to all cooperate for any one picture.  but it was a fun challenge!!  so grateful this crew all has each other.....they really are such blessings to us all!



and i just couldn't leave you without a couple "after -takes"...sort of reminded us of the trash the dress sessions for brides....but trash the outfits for babes!


blessings, ginger

