

one on one

one thing i have realized with multiple children is how precious one on one time with each child is.   i savor this time and i believe they do as well.  my oldest daughter and i have spent many days doing fun things which we refer to as girls' day.  my middle child is funny because whenever i mention doing something just the two of us..he always says, NO lets wait for E to get home (my oldest).....he always wants to include her.  but we do get to spend lots of afternoons together while the baby sleeps and E is at school.    this year my son has been in preschool twice a week and these mornings have become fun for our youngest and myself to do things together. unfortunately (and  i am sure that you busy moms can relate to me when i say)  a lot of this time is spent getting errands or the such done, with only one child in tow.  but i do try my best to make time for just us and today we had some of that.  i love when it is just her and i, and i can give her my full attention.  today we went to play by the river...she loved the wild flowers, the swing, walking back and fourth just a little bit on the dock, and seeing the butterflies as they flew by.    it was so fun to see the joy she found in exploring all of the beautiful creations around her...


 xoxo, ginger





how sweet it is...

 to see such love come from a family.  this session was filled with so much laughter, fun and love!!  i had the best time getting to know each of them.   about a month ago i posted that i would be offering a couple of sessions and would donate all of the proceeds to the local tornado victims.   i was excited to hear from a few families right away and this was one of them.   i could have honestly stayed all day and talked to them; it was as if we'd known each other forever. love when that happens.   i have to say these were two of the most active and fun filled children i have yet to photograph.  it was a so fun to watch them together and see how much they seemed to adore one another.   i love to capture life as it is happening.  not so much, pose families, but let you have fun and be in the moment. for me, these are the memories i treasure the most with my own family. and i really feel as you look at these pictures, you will see your children just as they are full of love and life.  it was such a pleasure S. family.



blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 18 l protection

welcome's week 18 of project 52.    this week's theme was protection: who is your protector, where do you feel safest, what makes you feel safe?   i cannot wait to see what everyone has done for this theme.  as i pondered over the theme many thoughts came to mind.  i remember when i was a child and i would get scared in the middle of the night; i'd go straight into my parents room. first it was their bed , but as i got older, i made my own bed on their floor.  just being in their presence brought me the comfort i needed.  now, my two oldest children do the same son also has to have his blue blankey and with that cuddled by mama he feels safe.   this led to me thinking about what makes me feel safe now?   i know i sleep much better when my husband is home.  there is a peace inside of  me having his presence in our house.  i feel like our family is safer but i also feel the peace knowing he is safe.....BUT protector, my feeling of comfort....all comes back to God and my belief in Jesus Christ.   without HIM, my life would be full of fear in many ways.   this is also something i've worked on the last fully trust in HIM and try to let go of so many fears i tend to naturally have.  and this isn't always easy.  i admitedly am a worrier.  for this week's picture, i was inspired by another member of our circle, Rachel May, and her amazing post on sacrifice.   it was beautiful, and i wanted to to capture the cross as a reminder and symbol of my ever constant Protector.


i'll leave you with this video that our church played on Easter Sunday.  it is a wonderful reminder that NOTHING is too big for Jesus.   we do not have to fear because HE is always there.

continue the blog circle and head on over to see the amazing work of  Linsey Stuckey, Houston, TX, photographer.





together again...

 "better is the end of a thing than its beginning.." ecclesiastes 7:8a

today our family was reunited once again after having daddy deployed with the USMC since august of 2010.   what a joyous day this was for all of us.  this is our 4th deployment as a married couple and the 3rd one in the past 5 years. one thing in common every time, is after you are together again, it feels like no time at all has even passed.  i think the sweet reunion always makes up for the long months of separation somehow.  as i have said before i am so grateful we can serve our country in this way.  i am grateful for the example my husband has given to our children of self sacrifice and giving in a way that some can't even imagine.  and finally i am grateful for all of the blessings God bestows on us during these time we need HIM the most.   we are so grateful to all of our family and friends for the love and support you always give to us.  to say we feel blessed is such an understatement.   

thank you to amy grimme for giving us the most amazing gift of these memories of these sweet moments.   most of these pictures were taken by her (edited by me).  we wanted to make sure we captured these moments as it seems this deployment brought so many changes with our children.  our oldest is now reading fluently, she lost her first tooth, and has become a little lady.   our middle child (our only boy) mastered his bike free of training wheels, learned to write his name, and became a lover of the wii in these past 8.5 months.   and our little baby.  she was barely crawling when daddy left..and is now running all over the place and learning new words every day.   as for mama...well, every deployment teaches me more about life, the strength of our marriage, the pure joy of each day with my children, and my NEED for God always.  

enjoy this small glimpse into our loving reunion...for those of you that have been throught it, you know it is a feeling you want to "bottle and savor forever"....


hugs, ginger





project 52 l week 17 l floral

another week has flown by .....and this week our project 52 theme is : floral -your favorite flower, maybe you just got an arrangement for mother's day?   i knew from the start what flower i would chose.   in the yard next door to me is a beautiful hydrangea bush. for the past three years i have enjoyed picking flowers from it all late spring and into the summer.   they are gorgeous and by far one of my favorite flowers!     and a few were in bloom just in time for this week's project.  

undefined  continue with our blog circle and see what beautiful flowers Kimberlee Edwards Photography | Cary, NC Photography has in store for you.

on another note...check back this weekend, as my husband is returning today from his almost 9 month deployment. I'll be sure to post our reunion pictures soon!!!  





mother's day l a reflection

my life changed the moment i became a mom.

no words can express this love, the feeling of fufillment, this joy...

today (and everyday) i thank God for this gift.

i am blessed to be a mom and to still have my own mother to share so many things with. 

happy mother's day.  xoxo, ginger





project 52 l week 16 l motherly love

"the moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  she never existed before.  the woman existed, but the mother, never.  a mother is something absolutely new. " ~Rajneesh

its week 16 of  project 52.   i am having such a wonderful time participating in this project each week with the other ladies on the bloom forum.  its been fun getting to know the other photographers from all over the world.  this week's theme is motherly love

there were a lot of pictures i could have used for this week, but this picture stood out to me.  it was one that was just taken on a whim in the middle of life happening. it was not a planned shoot but just hanging out with another friend and our children.   (she happens to be a photographer as well and you can check out her fabulous work here).  my favorite pictures are ones like these. life in action. not posed, not perfect, but full of love.  

amy is also a military spouse and we have shared many talks on motherhood and our challenges as we raise our children, especially during deployments.  i think it is a common topic among miltary mamas.   as mothers we all sacrifice so much from the day our first child is born.   sacrifices are made that we never think twice about.   the meaning of life changes and we learn and feel a love like we have never known.  but with that love also comes an incredible responsiblity.  that responsiblity is  heightened as we are carrying it alone so much of the time.     the responsibility to raise our children to grow with God and to love others and treat them with kindness and respect.   i think we all wonder at times if we are doing things right.  and we all make mistakes.   but i think the best thing we can do for our babies (of any age) is to be there for them, make time for them, and LOVE them.   and to me, that is what this picture says.  

happy mother's day! 

head on over to Nancy Schumacher's page  and see her motherly love



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the beach l spring break day 5

it has been a wonderful week having school out for spring break.   it really did reconfirm my excitement to home school next year and have this time daily as a family.  this week we set out to have some relaxing but fun times together.  we spent some time at home in the blow up pool, we went strawberry picking, we went kite flying, we went bowling, and today we headed to the beach.  the beach is always such a great place to go to spend some time playing but it is especially fun this year as all of the kids LOVE it. i will be sad to see school back in session next week, but know that summer is right around the corner.


have a blessed weekend, ginger

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project 52 l week 15 l sleep

it's week 15 of project 52 with the bloom forum.  and this week's theme is - sleep: where do you sleep? your children sleeping... peaceful moments.  as you can read in my previous blog posts  from this week, it has been spring break week at our house.   we have been having fun each day and enjoying this family time together.   i have even had the joy of taking a couple of naps this week...what a missed treasure they are!!!   this week i also began shooting with my new camera.  i made the switch to full frame and to nikon.  and i LOVE my new camera for all the reasons i thought i would.  one of them is the amazing pictures it can take at a very high ISO in very low light.    

these first two pictures were taken at ISO's 5000 and 3200...i have to say i am so impressed with this camera's ability. the lighting was very dim for these.   these pictures were taken on day 1 of our spring break and you'll see my sweet pea was worn out.  she didn't make it up to bed or even get changed into her jammies before falling asleep. i knew i had to capture this moment.

undefinedundefined this next picture is from one afternoon this week. my four year old has given up naps but defiitely needs them once in a while and this week he has needed one more often than usual.

 now head on over to Amy Ames, Holly Springs, NC blog and see what peaceful moment she captured....





off to the bowling alley l spring break day 4

the kids have asked every today the day we are going bowling? and today was finally the day.    and what fun we all had!!!  we headed home just in time to find out we were under tornado watches and warnings once again. our area was affected a couple weeks ago terribly; so this naturally put me a bit on edge.  you can read more about our local devastation  here and here...  my prayers go out to all of the families across the country who have been affected by all of the recent tornado activity.  it is heartbreaking. here are a few (well, quite a few) pictures from our fun morning at the bowling alley... 




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a little bit of this & a little bit of that l spring break day 3

today was day 3 of spring break. it was another nice relaxing day.  today the kids enjoyed their slip and slide, we headed to the park and we did a little bit of kite flying.   it was just another great day together.  the kids have been counting down all week for tomorrow's make sure you stop by and see what we are up to. today's first picture was of sweet C in her usual "spot" hoping she could get out on the slip and slide...just loved this one!

undefinedthe next few pictures are at the park and then down by the was a super windy day, perfect for kites!

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined  xoxo, ginger

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the strawberry patch l spring break day 2

today we decided somewhat spur of the moment to head out to the strawberry patch.   we knew we would go sometime during spring break but we just weren't sure when that would be.  we called and they were open with fields ready to pick, so out we went.   the kids had a blast and as you will see, one of my sweet three couldn't wait to get home (or out of the patch for that matter) to try some of our pickings....


blessings, ginger

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spring break is here

it is finally spring break at our house and we couldn't be more excited.   sleeping in, quality time together, afternoon naps, casual dinners, and late movie nights.....this is spring break in our house!   and this little taste of it already has me super ready for summer.   i love the slow pace and the laughter and smiles that come with the fun we are having.  today was day 1 and we set out to get a new blow up pool (the real pool's don't open here until memorial day weekend) and a slip and slide...check back tomorrow and see what spring break fun we are up to then! undefinedundefined

xoxo, ginger





three blessings

tonight we were heading home from Easter service at church...the sun was gorgeous, i had my camera, so we stopped and took a few pictures. words can't describe my love for these three.....

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sweet seven l a birthday letter


my dearest e,

today you turn seven.  i cannot believe the years have gone by so fast.  this is the day i became a mother; truly the most precious gift.  you taught me what  it really means to love unconditionally.  to love more than i ever imagined possible. i will never forget the moment i held you for the first time and realized just how much our life had changed.

  its been amazing to watch you become the little girl you are now.    we have always shared such a special bond.  you are our love bug.  you love to snuggle and to share your love with all those you are around.   you have always had the most tender heart and have been filled with this love that words cannot do justice.   you are filled with compassion and a sweetness that makes me feel so blessed to be your mother. you look out for your baby brother and baby sister. and you lead by example.   i pray you forever have these qualities.

you love to create things and have a true gift of creativity.   you light up when you dance and come alive to the music.   you are all we ever dreamed of, but then so much more.

as we always say to each other are my bff.  i pray you will have a lifetime of love, happiness, and good health.  i cannot wait to share many many more memories with you.  thank you for all you've given us the past seven years.   happy birthday my sweet girl!







a sweet and sassy kind of day...

we spent sunday afternoon celebrating my daughter's 7th birthday a few days early at a fun little spot called sweet and sassy. this spa caters to little girls of all ages and gives them the princess day of their dreams.  e got to pick one friend to join her and she chose our neighbor j who she spends most afternoons playing with.  the two girls got their hair done, manicures and pedicures, and of course, LOTS of glitter.   when they finished they got to walk the runway, which was their favorite part, i think! after their spa day we went out to lunch together.  it was so fun seeing them giggle and enjoy all the fuss and attention they received.   this was e's first time going to a spa and i could tell she thought it was "magical"...we waited to do anything like this until she showed interest in it.  as i've said before--we are not fans of encouraging our children to grow up any faster than they already are. and i'd say from her excitmement it was worth the wait. undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

xoxo, ginger






undefined as i posted in the previous entry, our area was hit by the numerous tornadoes that touched down across North Carolina this weekend.   there are many displaced families in our area and my heart hurts for all of them.   there are many ways we can all help through donations of clothing, household goods, school supplies and many other items.  many of these people lost everything.  and even if you have nothing to give, the best gift of all i believe is prayer. 

i would like to offer 2 photography sessions with 100% of the profits donated to help the families of our area that have been affected by these tornadoes.   due to an upcoming move and my full time job as mother to three children, i can only offer two sessions at this time.  

details and cost--  $100:  for $100 you will receive 10 -15 digital edited images. i will include a print release for you to have these images printed at the location of your choice.  the session will include 1-2 hours on location in the camp lejeune/ jacksonville area.  you will need to schedule your session for a date between now and  31 May 2011.   i will let you know the specific dates i am available upon contact.  

again, 100% of the profits i receive from these two sessions will go to our local families.   i know this isn't a lot in the scheme of their needs, but i am hoping it can help in some way.

if you are interested please contact me at: 

blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 13 l nature

it's week 13 of the the Bloom Forum's Project 52.  i am  participating in this fun project with 20 other ladies from all over the world.     last week we covered the theme fur.   up this week is nature:  spring should be in full bloom, what is beautiful in your view?!  it has been gorgeous the past few weeks here in coastal carolina. many trees are in full bloom and this week our azaleas began blooming as well. the weather has also been delightful!  i was able to get a few pictures to share with you of our beautiful surroundings this week.  i hope you enjoy.

"i love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."  ~george washington carver

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined now head on over to Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ blog and see what beautiful nature she captured. 





project 52 l week 12 l fur

it's week 12 of the bloom forum's project 52.  i have been enjoying this project with 20 other photographers this year. each week we have a new theme. last week we had a fun april fool's day theme.  this week  our theme is : fur-pets, fake fur, etc. it was so refreshing to have a subject this week that did not present such a challenge as the past two weeks.

i knew all along that our 11 year old lab Buster Brown would be the subject for this week's post.   my husband and i got him just a few  months after we got married.  he is such a part of us.   as we have had children--my time (and sadly my patience)....has become shorter with him.   but what is always so amazing to me, is that  he is so loyal and so faithful to each of us.  it doesn't matter how many days he's missed fetching down by the river or going for long runs.   he loves us unconditionaly--even when we don't really deserve it.   although, my time with him has become less, he has gained three new companions who love him with all of their hearts.   each of our children adore Buster and many of our neighborhood pals feel quite similar.    as i watch him getting older and know that his time with us is probably starting to get limited, i try and soak in these days with him, the memories, and the fun he has blessed us with.   i know we will never have another dog quite like mr. brown.  the pictures for this week were from a beautiful morning walk with our furry friend on Sunday.   i hope you enjoy.     undefinedundefinedthe kids know no other life than one filled with their sweet and ever patient companion...undefinedundefined we are so grateful for the years, the days..the moments we have been blessed with this friend!

now, don't forget to head on over to Julie Livermore, WY Photographer's blog and see what fur she has in store for you.   happy friday! 

