project 52 l week 31 l back to school — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome to project 52. the fun project i've been participating in the past 31 weeks with this amazing group of photographers i now know as friends.   we have done some really fun themes that have helped my creativity grow during the year.   this week's theme is back to school: what are some signs in your home that is is time to head back to school? maybe put together a shoot?   i have to say that this week's picture sort of just evolved and i thought it went with this theme FOR US perfectly.  you see, this year is our first year of homeschool.   the local schools will start back to school next week.  i always dreaded the big back to school day, as it meant our family time was going to be so much shorter and we were under the schedule of some one else.    this year is different because we won't be having the "typical" back to school day.  we will start school another week or two at our house and i am really excited!   this picutre symbolizes so much to me.  i look at it and see my daughter carefree in the days of summer and realize our days will continue to get to have this relaxed feeling--that we can enjoy our summer a tad bit longer. i also see my sweet seven year old still so innocent and carefree, and hope this time spent together can preserve her childhood ust a "wee" bit longer...or at the very least, let us enjoy it more together!!  

for those of you with little and big ones heading off to school; i pray you all have wonderful teachers, classes, and a year of amazing memories!

now head on over to the blog of Kimberlee Edwards Photography, Cary, NC and see what she did for this back to school theme! 


