our new journey awaits... — GINGER UNZUETA

tomorrow i will embark on a new journey with my precious babies.   my role as mother and caregiver will expand to full time teacher as well.   after many prayers my husband and i decided last spring this was God's plan for our family.  you can read about our journey to this decision here.    i am so excited to start this journey with our children, but of course i have days where i wonder if i will be able to do this and do it well.   i wonder how i will continue to do all the other roles i have in our house.   i wonder if i will foster enthusiasm and excitement for learning in our children.  the list of questions can go on and on.  BUT deep down i know that i can do this with God's help and that HE will provide all we need to succeed--i just have to remember to ask. 

 i was having one of those days last week where i was asking all these questions to myself and an email came across my inbox.  i wanted to share some of what it said.   i know i have a lot of other homeschooling friends and i thought this provided a source of inspiration for us all on this journey.  it reminded me that this  is such a gift i have been given.   it is a blessing that i  have this opportunity to be with my children daily for these experiences.  mothers were quoted saying the following about their own experiences homeschooling...

If I had known that teaching my children would be so much fun, I would have started homeschooling sooner.

If I had known my children were going to grow as fast as older women said they would, I would have treasured our time together even more.

If I had known that my son was going to become an archeologist and dig in the dirt for a profession, I would have never worried about removing the stains when washing his clothes.

If I had known that all my children would go on to receive college degrees, I would have never second guessed my curriculum choices and teaching abilities.

If I had known how unimportant it was to keep a spotless house, I would have gone to bed on time instead of spending countless hours cleaning, organizing, and tidying up for the next day.

If I had known how living on one income would build a solid faith in God, I would have gladly lived with less without all the complaining.

If I could only experience the thrill of one job to last an entire lifetime, I would  my children all over again.

i believe God truly gives us the encouragement we need just when we need it.   tonight, i go to bed with enthusiasm and excitement.  i can't wait to dive in and not look back....sort of like my son in this picture.  he is always fearless, unlike my oldest daughter. she thinks and contemplates before acting--very much like myself.    i'd love to have that fearlessness my son has in all i do-- to place my trust completely in the Lord and know He will take care of it all!

blessings, ginger


