
project 52 l week 19 l favorite song

"my strength alone will never be enough but Your arms keep lifting me up"

this week our theme for project 52 is favorite song.  i had a couple choices.  do i pick a song that would make wonderful photographs?  or do i pick a song that really is one of my favorites?

well, i went with the song Free by Dara Maclean because it really speaks to my heart.

often i am asked how do i do it all.   we have three children.  i home-school.  i run a part time business. my husband is gone a lot.  yet,  i guess i appear too be doing it all with a smile.

i'll be  honest with you...

i feel like a failure many days.  i feel like i am not enough.   i see the piles of laundry.  i see the mess in my car.   i see my body that is not as fit as it needs to be.  i cry.   i get lonely.   the list really could go on of all the ways i see my shortcomings.  i'm human. and its so easy for the devil to come in and make us feel inadequate.   then you can add society into the picture.  pinterest.  facebook. magazines.  you get the idea.  its easy to look around and feel like everyone has a "picture perfect life".   and yes, i may be guilty of appearing that way too at times.  perhaps we all are.  but i don't want anyone to think that is the case.  really, i am just an ordinary girl who  loves her husband and children with all her heart and strives to stay positive no matter what the circumstance...but

don't be fooled.....i don't do it all.   i just have an amazing God full of grace and love and He does amazing things through me.


FREE by Dara Maclean

(if you haven't heard this song, please go check it out)

Hurting heart and broken wings Cannot stop Your love from always finding me No more days wasting away I finally realize the gift inside of me My strength alone will never be enough But Your arms keep lifting me up You tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more You made me You made me free I was caged in, then You opened Every door that held me bound and You gave me the key No more pressure I can just breathe The girl I tried so hard to be, has always been me My strength alone will never be enough But Your arms keep lifting me up You tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more Now I'm free to love, free to live, Free to take my life and give it all to You Oh, you tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more You made me You made me free You made me You made me free


now please continue with our blog circle and see what Mary Schannen of Melange Photography has for her favorite song.





project 52 l week 18 l temptation

another friday has somehow arrived, therefore it's time for another week of project 52. this week our theme is temptation.  

admittedly there are many temptations in life.  i am grateful beyond words for God's grace, because some days i feel like i fall time and time again in to the tempations surrounding me.  today i wasn't sure what i was going to use for my image and then i see this pile of laundry (yet to be put away) on my bed...and not far from it was the ipad.   oh, how fitting.  the ipad only represents the MANY tempations technology has brought into our lives.  tempations, distractions, wasted time.  YES, i think technology is fabulous and i love all the benefits,  but i've fallen many times to the tempations it brings.    sometimes one minute online can turn into hours of the day wasted that should have been spent otherwise (maybe putting up this laundry??!!)  seriously, i pray for God's grace and forgiveness in the time i let get wasted from HIM, from my children, from my husband, and from all the important priorities of my life.   and i strive to do better...

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." EPHESIANS 6:11

now please continue with our blog circle and see what Mary Schannen of Melange Photography has this week to share...





the evening wait...

it's friday night.  our school week is over.   i am asked over and over--when will daddy be here?   he is on the way, but they are getting hungry, impatient, and restless.  so, we head out the door.  we head down to the lake.  and we enjoy the fresh air, the breeze, and this gorgeous sun (and wait for daddy to arrive)...suddenly there is not a care in the world amongst them.  God is great!  and so this is how most nights go at our house...

blessings, ginger





finding the light workshop comes to an end

this was the final week of the winter finding the light workshop with Dee,  and her two assistants Gail and Jenny. i cannot say enough wonderful things about this workshop.  each of these amazing photographers brings their own  unique style to the class.  make sure you go to their blogs and see for yourself.

i look at light in a whole different way after taking this class. ( the best part is, in a couple weeks, i will do it all over again, as an alumni.)  it was over and beyond what i expected.  you will enjoy it, not matter what type of photographer you are.

as you can read on their blog the assignments are as follows:

Main Assignments

Assignment 1: Dramatic Light

Assignment 2: Mid-day Sun & Backlight (full sun)

Assignment 3: Mid-day backlighting with a reflector

Assignment 4: Late in the day sun with reflector

Assignment 5: Finding natural way to reflect light ( backlighting included)

Assignment 6: Pockets of Light ( Find the light in any space)

Assignment 7: Sunflare

Assignment 8 :  Capturing subject & sky

Bonus assignments :

Assignment 1 : Indoor side lighting

Assignment 2: Have rain ? Embracing the weather!

Assignment 3: Silhouettes

Assignment 4: Blown light

Assignment 5: How Color Impacts Your Photos

Assignment 6: Getting out of a creative funk

Assignment 7: Towering Skies

i wanted to share some of my favorite images from the last few weeks. i did an original post of my first couple of weeks here.

it was wonderful to try new things and to get critiqued in a place you feel comfortable...

are you wanting to learn more??  head on over to their website and get signed up for the next finding the light will be so happy you did it!!!

as for me, i am ready for my next 8 weeks as an alumni!! thank you Dee, Jenny B, and Gail for an amazing experience.  and to my fellow classmates, it was wonderful spending the last two months together!!!





cousins at Easter

over the Easter weekend i had the pleasure of shooting these adorable cousins.   we only had one day to have them all together and i am so glad we got some great memories of each of them.  it was a windy day so that presented us with some challenges but the kids were all so great and patient.  they were full of smiles and cooperated wonderfully.  they were each precious and you could tell they enjoyed being together so much.  i am thankful we got to meet and look forward to seeing this family again...

blessings, ginger





today you are eight l a birthday letter

dear e, the past eight years have flown by much too quickly.   my  heart changed in unspoken ways the moment i became a mother.

this year seems extra sentimental to me as you enter a new phase of life.  you are not quite a little girl anymore, but not quite a teen-aged girl either.    i certainly see changes in you as you gain more independence and curiosity about the world around you.  when i think of you, i think of the tenderness that fills your heart.  you are so loving and so full of compassion for everyone in your life.

we've shared so much in these short eight years.   in the last few years daddy was deployed quite often and you were my rock.  you were there to make me laugh, to give me snuggles, and to be a help in more ways than you'll ever be aware.   indeed, i missed daddy, but these memories will forever be etched in my heart.   i love the bond we share and i hope we never lose it.

i've enjoyed watching your faith in God and love of Jesus grow over the past year.   you have questions and passion and it makes me so happy.   my prayer for you is to grow closer and closer to Him.  i want you to let Jesus  lead you and trust in Him for everything in your life.  if you do this, you will forever be blessed.

i know the next few years will continue to bring changes as you grow into a young lady.   i pray for wisdom in guiding you,  love and patience in teaching you, and an open heart, to be there for you always.

i love you to the moon and back!

happy eighth birthday!!!





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a mid-summer baby is on the way

i took these this week as part of a project for the finding the light workshop and wanted to share them.   my sister is due mid summer with a new baby girl and we are all excited. it has been such fun seeing her daily and the changes her body makes as little lucy gets bigger and bigger.  she's really just glowing.  i can't wait to do a full session with her which will include her two year old and her hubby.

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it is always a treat to get to know the families i photograph.   this family lives down the street from me, but in the short seven months we have lived here, i had not met them.   life gets busy and before you know it months fly by.  i am so glad that our photo date brought us together.  these children were as precious as could be.  one was so full of life and smiles.  another one who seemed so shy, yes had so much beauty and wonder through her eyes.  and finally a little brother who took a while to warm up, but shared some adorable smiles and laughs with me before it was over...

blessings, ginger





10 on 10 : the april edition

welcome back for 10 on 10 : the april edition.  if this is your first month following this fun project, please read here for a little more about it. this month i have decided to highlight something very special to me.  i decided to let you see "what sunday night dinner looks like"   i realize this breaks "the rules" in some ways again. but the importance of this project for me is documenting details, life, and the meaning of both.  i knew that these nights were something i wanted to remember forever..

my dearest family,

how special sunday night dinners have become.   i think it is so nice that mom has an open invitation to us all, but with no expecations attatched.  if we can make it, we are there but if not, it is totally understood.

this year has been amazing in so many ways for us all.   i think we are quite a unique family.  four siblings and our spouses, 7 children (1 on the way) and two amazing parents..all living on one street.   often people say they couldn't do it, but now i can't imagine NOT doing it.  we are so unique in that we actually do enjoy each other.  i love how i will drive in and out of the neighborhood and see you all at different times.   i love that our  2 year old drives by each of your houses and says your names and waves.   we haven't always had this....infact that is why i cherish it even more.  a military family always moving....we spent 12 long  years away from you all.    i used to long for times like this.   but really i couldn't imagine how awesome it would be until now experiencing it daily.

we all know the weeks go by so quickly.  we don't always get the long visits in and time we would so love to have with each other, so sunday nights are extra special.    the food is great but the laughter and craziness of it all is what makes the memories so special.  thank you each for being who you are to me.  i thank God for this family we have been blessed with. i hope we have many years of memories here together.  and i hope you enjoy the glimpse i have of our wonderful weekly tradition.

i love you all,


please continue to the blog of amazingingly talented Liz of Elizabeth Jane Photo and see what she has this month for her 10 on 10.  it really is fun to continue on as each one of us interprets this in our own way!

blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 14 l faceless picture

it's time for another week of project 52. for this week's theme we are to explain a person--anything but their face. i was going to use a picture i got earlier in the year of my youngest with her baby doll, which i do love b/c it tells so much about her at this phase of her life. but this week i was taking a series of pictures for the workshop i am taking -finding the light, and i knew they would be great for this week. for me these simply show my son's love of life. his wonder, amazement and curiousity. the colors make me feel his warmth and love. the "airiness' of them makes me feel his youth and innocence.....

now head on over to the blog of mary schannen of melange photography to see her inspiring work...






i am so excited to finally have these photos ready to share with you.   a few weeks ago i had such a wonderful evening capturing the H family.  they are such a special family to us in many ways!   mike (the father) grew up with my husband and they have remained close since their childhood.  we all grew up in the same neighborhood and its so neat to see mike as a dad now.  his wife laura, is a beautiful as she can be on the inside and out...i just wish we got to see them more often than we do.  their boys were such fun to chase around and chat with.  they are full of life and love and i hope you enjoy this glimpse into their sweet world...

blessings, ginger





project 52 l week 13 l album cover

it's friday, which means we are back with another theme for project 52.   album cover is our theme this week--its sure to be a fun one. in our home we listen to contemporary Christian music most of the time.   we are big K-LOVE fans.   we stream it through our apple tv or phones now that we do not have a local station. it's really an awesome way to keep your day focused on positive and uplifting thoughts.

anyway....for this project though, i used a jack johnson song: Better Together.  whenever i hear this song i think of my amazing husband.   we are apart a lot and as i hear  it,  it always brings back happy thoughts of us together. wonderful memories.  comfort.   (infact as i write this, he is once again away--working in the middle east).

so i had to decide how i would interpret my song through pictures....and my daughter and my niece came to mind. they spent the first seven years of their short lives only seeing each other on Christmas and summer break.  but through these visits they have always been so close, the best of friends.  now that they only live a few houses apart, they love to get together to play when they don't have other activities.  i wanted to capture them being carefree, dreaming, loving life, and just enjoying the NOW.   so here is my album cover:

Jack Johnson: Better Together

(click here if you'd like to read lyrics and play song)

now continue on with our blog circle and see what Clara from Heart Inspired Photography | Adelaide Photographer has for her album cover...





project 52 l week 12 l pastel

welcome back for another week of project 52 with my group of friends from the bloom forum.  this week's theme is pastel. i took some pictures this week of my niece who just turned two.  they fit the theme so well.  we are all very excited that miss E will have a baby sister in a couple of months...and i'd say she is pretty excited as well.   oh, how i love this little girl. i am so thankful to see her all the time now.  she truly is miss sunshine...

please continue with our blog circle and see what Mary Shannen of Melange Photography has shared for pastel...

happy friday, ginger



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strawberry picking with the cousins...

today we spent a glorious spring morning at a local strawberry patch with my sisters and all the was such fun to watch the kids and their excitement and determination to get LOTS of berries...


as we drove home, i pulled over to capture these next few shots.   this is home...the pastures, the cows, the oaks. it's everything i  see and relate with HOME.  it's all the things i missed so much before moving back.

and once we got home the girls counted and cleaned their berries.

we can't wait to go pick blueberries and peaches later this spring...







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project 52 l week 11 l green with envy

it's friday once again which means its time for project 52.   this week our theme is green with envy.  i admit i don't have a super creative green themed image this week.....nor anything leprechaun related :)  i was thinking about how green everything is right now in florida and how beautiful it is.    the weather is gorgeous and everything is in full bloom.   the orange blossoms are one of my favorites right now. their scent always reminds me i am "home"....they are just lovely!

we decided to take a little spring break from our homeschooling this week...and pretty much every day has looked pretty similar to the images below. as i watched the children all week playing with their cousins and friends, i couldn't help but be a little bit green with envy as they are so carefree at their age.  IN REALITY,  what i feel is very thankful.  so grateful for the life God has blessed us with.  for the people around us and the beautiful life we have.  i never want to take it for granted...

please continue on with the blog of Clara from Heart Inspired Photography | Adelaide Photographer and see how she captured this week's theme...

have a great weekend, ginger



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priceless moments captured

i was very excited when Lindsey emailed me to see if i was available to take family pictures for them.  she told me this as their first time doing this and i couldn't help and think that it would be such a treasured gift.   it really is so important to capture your family as you are at different points in life.  you will love and cherish these for years to come.   i had such a nice time interacting with her boys and they were wonderful for the camera.    you really are a beautiful family and i look forward to getting to know you more.  i hope you enjoy this preview of our afternoon together.... blessings, ginger

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10 on 10 : the march edition

it's time for this month's 10 on 10.   if this is your first time here please follow this link to read more about this fun project.  i am really grateful for all the personal projects i have taken on this year. they really help me to remember to stop and capture my children and family just being them.   its always the pictures from these projects that i go back to and cherish so much. we've been enjoying some amazing weather here in florida the past month. the kids have spent every day outside playing and i love seeing them having so much fun!  its so refreshing to be out and enjoying the warmth and breezes.  its truly a lovely time of year.    this month ten images are all from one of our fun afternoons outside.  the kids got water balloons, water guns, and a sprinkler and had a blast.....this was followed by some play time down at the lake.    we couldn't be more thrilled to be living on the lake. the kids spend hours down there in the water and sand and are as content as can be.   i hope you enjoy a look into our warm waterfilled day...(this is how most days seem to be shaping up lately)

please continue along with our blog circle and see what Liz of Elizabeth Jane Photo has captured for her 10 on 10 this month....

