10 on 10 : the april edition — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome back for 10 on 10 : the april edition.  if this is your first month following this fun project, please read here for a little more about it. this month i have decided to highlight something very special to me.  i decided to let you see "what sunday night dinner looks like"   i realize this breaks "the rules" in some ways again. but the importance of this project for me is documenting details, life, and the meaning of both.  i knew that these nights were something i wanted to remember forever..

my dearest family,

how special sunday night dinners have become.   i think it is so nice that mom has an open invitation to us all, but with no expecations attatched.  if we can make it, we are there but if not, it is totally understood.

this year has been amazing in so many ways for us all.   i think we are quite a unique family.  four siblings and our spouses, 7 children (1 on the way) and two amazing parents..all living on one street.   often people say they couldn't do it, but now i can't imagine NOT doing it.  we are so unique in that we actually do enjoy each other.  i love how i will drive in and out of the neighborhood and see you all at different times.   i love that our  2 year old drives by each of your houses and says your names and waves.   we haven't always had this....infact that is why i cherish it even more.  a military family always moving....we spent 12 long  years away from you all.    i used to long for times like this.   but really i couldn't imagine how awesome it would be until now experiencing it daily.

we all know the weeks go by so quickly.  we don't always get the long visits in and time we would so love to have with each other, so sunday nights are extra special.    the food is great but the laughter and craziness of it all is what makes the memories so special.  thank you each for being who you are to me.  i thank God for this family we have been blessed with. i hope we have many years of memories here together.  and i hope you enjoy the glimpse i have of our wonderful weekly tradition.

i love you all,


please continue to the blog of amazingingly talented Liz of Elizabeth Jane Photo and see what she has this month for her 10 on 10.  it really is fun to continue on as each one of us interprets this in our own way!

blessings, ginger

