project 52 l week 11 l green with envy — GINGER UNZUETA

it's friday once again which means its time for project 52.   this week our theme is green with envy.  i admit i don't have a super creative green themed image this week.....nor anything leprechaun related :)  i was thinking about how green everything is right now in florida and how beautiful it is.    the weather is gorgeous and everything is in full bloom.   the orange blossoms are one of my favorites right now. their scent always reminds me i am "home"....they are just lovely!

we decided to take a little spring break from our homeschooling this week...and pretty much every day has looked pretty similar to the images below. as i watched the children all week playing with their cousins and friends, i couldn't help but be a little bit green with envy as they are so carefree at their age.  IN REALITY,  what i feel is very thankful.  so grateful for the life God has blessed us with.  for the people around us and the beautiful life we have.  i never want to take it for granted...

please continue on with the blog of Clara from Heart Inspired Photography | Adelaide Photographer and see how she captured this week's theme...

have a great weekend, ginger

