project 52 l week 18 l temptation — GINGER UNZUETA

another friday has somehow arrived, therefore it's time for another week of project 52. this week our theme is temptation.  

admittedly there are many temptations in life.  i am grateful beyond words for God's grace, because some days i feel like i fall time and time again in to the tempations surrounding me.  today i wasn't sure what i was going to use for my image and then i see this pile of laundry (yet to be put away) on my bed...and not far from it was the ipad.   oh, how fitting.  the ipad only represents the MANY tempations technology has brought into our lives.  tempations, distractions, wasted time.  YES, i think technology is fabulous and i love all the benefits,  but i've fallen many times to the tempations it brings.    sometimes one minute online can turn into hours of the day wasted that should have been spent otherwise (maybe putting up this laundry??!!)  seriously, i pray for God's grace and forgiveness in the time i let get wasted from HIM, from my children, from my husband, and from all the important priorities of my life.   and i strive to do better...

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." EPHESIANS 6:11

now please continue with our blog circle and see what Mary Schannen of Melange Photography has this week to share...

