project 52 l week 19 l favorite song — GINGER UNZUETA

"my strength alone will never be enough but Your arms keep lifting me up"

this week our theme for project 52 is favorite song.  i had a couple choices.  do i pick a song that would make wonderful photographs?  or do i pick a song that really is one of my favorites?

well, i went with the song Free by Dara Maclean because it really speaks to my heart.

often i am asked how do i do it all.   we have three children.  i home-school.  i run a part time business. my husband is gone a lot.  yet,  i guess i appear too be doing it all with a smile.

i'll be  honest with you...

i feel like a failure many days.  i feel like i am not enough.   i see the piles of laundry.  i see the mess in my car.   i see my body that is not as fit as it needs to be.  i cry.   i get lonely.   the list really could go on of all the ways i see my shortcomings.  i'm human. and its so easy for the devil to come in and make us feel inadequate.   then you can add society into the picture.  pinterest.  facebook. magazines.  you get the idea.  its easy to look around and feel like everyone has a "picture perfect life".   and yes, i may be guilty of appearing that way too at times.  perhaps we all are.  but i don't want anyone to think that is the case.  really, i am just an ordinary girl who  loves her husband and children with all her heart and strives to stay positive no matter what the circumstance...but

don't be fooled.....i don't do it all.   i just have an amazing God full of grace and love and He does amazing things through me.


FREE by Dara Maclean

(if you haven't heard this song, please go check it out)

Hurting heart and broken wings Cannot stop Your love from always finding me No more days wasting away I finally realize the gift inside of me My strength alone will never be enough But Your arms keep lifting me up You tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more You made me You made me free I was caged in, then You opened Every door that held me bound and You gave me the key No more pressure I can just breathe The girl I tried so hard to be, has always been me My strength alone will never be enough But Your arms keep lifting me up You tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more Now I'm free to love, free to live, Free to take my life and give it all to You Oh, you tell me I've been made free You give me everything I need to walk in my dreams You whisper words that free my soul You're the reason I have hope You're everything I need and more You made me You made me free You made me You made me free


now please continue with our blog circle and see what Mary Schannen of Melange Photography has for her favorite song.

