project 52 l week 18 l protection — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome's week 18 of project 52.    this week's theme was protection: who is your protector, where do you feel safest, what makes you feel safe?   i cannot wait to see what everyone has done for this theme.  as i pondered over the theme many thoughts came to mind.  i remember when i was a child and i would get scared in the middle of the night; i'd go straight into my parents room. first it was their bed , but as i got older, i made my own bed on their floor.  just being in their presence brought me the comfort i needed.  now, my two oldest children do the same son also has to have his blue blankey and with that cuddled by mama he feels safe.   this led to me thinking about what makes me feel safe now?   i know i sleep much better when my husband is home.  there is a peace inside of  me having his presence in our house.  i feel like our family is safer but i also feel the peace knowing he is safe.....BUT protector, my feeling of comfort....all comes back to God and my belief in Jesus Christ.   without HIM, my life would be full of fear in many ways.   this is also something i've worked on the last fully trust in HIM and try to let go of so many fears i tend to naturally have.  and this isn't always easy.  i admitedly am a worrier.  for this week's picture, i was inspired by another member of our circle, Rachel May, and her amazing post on sacrifice.   it was beautiful, and i wanted to to capture the cross as a reminder and symbol of my ever constant Protector.


i'll leave you with this video that our church played on Easter Sunday.  it is a wonderful reminder that NOTHING is too big for Jesus.   we do not have to fear because HE is always there.

continue the blog circle and head on over to see the amazing work of  Linsey Stuckey, Houston, TX, photographer.

