sweet seven l a birthday letter — GINGER UNZUETA


my dearest e,

today you turn seven.  i cannot believe the years have gone by so fast.  this is the day i became a mother; truly the most precious gift.  you taught me what  it really means to love unconditionally.  to love more than i ever imagined possible. i will never forget the moment i held you for the first time and realized just how much our life had changed.

  its been amazing to watch you become the little girl you are now.    we have always shared such a special bond.  you are our love bug.  you love to snuggle and to share your love with all those you are around.   you have always had the most tender heart and have been filled with this love that words cannot do justice.   you are filled with compassion and a sweetness that makes me feel so blessed to be your mother. you look out for your baby brother and baby sister. and you lead by example.   i pray you forever have these qualities.

you love to create things and have a true gift of creativity.   you light up when you dance and come alive to the music.   you are all we ever dreamed of, but then so much more.

as we always say to each other ..you are my bff.  i pray you will have a lifetime of love, happiness, and good health.  i cannot wait to share many many more memories with you.  thank you for all you've given us the past seven years.   happy birthday my sweet girl!



