dear mason — GINGER UNZUETA

i cannot believe you are turning five.  where have the years gone? i know i say this every year but they fly by way too fast.   you are our dear middle child; our only son.  you have such a special place in our heart and  i hope you will always feel our love for you.  i cannot imagine our family being complete without you.   you are so full of love and life.    so full of emotion and energy.  you make us all laugh and giggle and remember to not take life too seriously.  you put your all into everything you do.  this year we started pre-k with you and  i am your teacher.  it has enabled me to see a new side of you as well.  i am proud of your eagerness to learn and unwillingness to ever give up.   cars and lightening mcqueen are still your passion but you have entered into the world of legos this year (cars legos of course).   you have such fun playing with your daddy and i am so thankful for the bond i have seen grow between you.   you have had to tell your daddy goodbye numerous times during your short life (3 of which were seven or more months)....but your love for him has only grown more and more.  i love that you still want me to cuddle you to sleep and come find me in the middle of the night most nights.   i know one day i will miss these moments.   you adore your big sister and are always eager to play with her but also very competitive with her. you do not like to lose.  you are so tender with baby sissy and my heart always smiles when you come running to tell her good morning or good night.  you are so thoughtful and loving.   thank you for being the most amazing son.  for filling this spot in our life that only you could.  bubby, we love you to the moon and back!

xoxo, mama

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