project 52 l week 43 l veteran's day — GINGER UNZUETA

another week of 2011 has flown past by.  i simply cannot believe the Christmas season is upon us.    it seems like just yesterday i was celebrating the time change and the "longer" summer days....this week's theme for project 52 is very special as we observe veteran's day.  veterans: is there a veteran in your family? what do these veterans mean to you? how do you say thank you?  as most of you know my husband has served in the USMC for almost eighteen years.  we have been married for twelve of these years.   he returned home in May from an almost ten month deployment which feels so fresh still in many ways.  we are savoring the time with him home.   our children adore their daddy and i must say i am so proud of him.   he serves our country so selflessly.  he has had to miss so many milestones in our childrens' lives, special occassions, holidays..the list goes on.  but when he is home he always puts us first....and it shows in all he does.   this week's pictures are of our five year old.    it has been such a blessing seeing their relationship grow and strengthen during the time my husband has been home.    he adores his daddy and looks up to him in many ways.  in his five short years of life he has experienced three deployments plus many other times of separation due to training and work ups.  i am grateful to all the families who endure so much for our country...and thankful that we can be a part of such a wonderful group of people.

now don't forget to head on over to the blog of Lynn, Bugsmom Photography, NJ, and see what image she has chosen this week. 

have a blessed weekend, ginger

