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packages from afar...

I am pretty sure in my children's minds that there isn't a lot of positive things about Daddy being gone for almost nine months....because to them a week takes "forever". BUT I will say that they have found pure joy in surprise packages from Daddy.  They love to drive up to the house and see those mystery boxes sitting at the front door.    Today I tried to capture the excitement they had when they opened their most recent gifts.  Daddy, no matter how far away you are, you are a part of us every single moment of every day. We are proud of what you do and who you are.....thank you for making us all feel so special!!

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it was definitely a cold afternoon here in Coastal North Carolina.  Despite the less than optimal circumstances, the W family was full of smiles and great spirits!   I met Jill when her son and my oldest daughter were in three year old preschool. It is hard to believe they are now first graders. Time definitely flies by too quickly. And as we did the shoot, I found out that their daughter Grace was celebrating her 9th birthday today.  Grace was my highlight of soccer season, as she always brought laughter and smiles to my one year old Caroline. She provided great entertainment for her as we sat through the hour long practices twice a week. I've always thought Grace and Zach both were adorable children and I had such a great time getting to photograph them with their parents.   Such a lovable family.   Here's a few of my favorites of the day....





the end to fall

Fall is by far one of my favorite seasons of the year...sadly, it is quickly coming to an end as Winter is making its not so welcome appearance.   The kids are getting excited for the "next' season, asking daily if it will snow this year.  And it just might here in Coastal North Carolina. We  had our first freezing rain of the season this weekend and lots of cold.  Today at the park, we got these pictures as a great reflection of the fun time we had this fall together...



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six degrees of separation...

I think this theory is absolutely true in the Marine Corps Community. It seems like somehow we are all connected to one another. Today I had the pleasure of photographing the M family. I met their mother, Kelly this summer through a friend, and it was crazy to put together the different people we both knew, and how we knew them in unique ways. I am so grateful I got to have this opportunity and so enjoyed all three of these beautiful children. Kelly is such a beauty inside and out, so it is no surprise that her children are as well. I look forward to capturing the whole family in the New Year. Enjoy a sneak peak of our fun afternoon....   

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ice cream freeze...


Today I had the pleasure of watching our oldest perform what she has  learned so far of  her Spring recital dance.  It was so cute seeing her dance her heart out to the "Ice Cream Freeze", but I couldn't help but sit there and ponder where the time has gone?  It seems like just yesterday I was swaddling her and trying to keep track of her sleep and nursing schedules.    Oh, what I would do to go back and cherish those sweet cuddle moments a little longer.   It is bittersweet watching our little ones grow and become their own people. On one hand you are so proud as they become independent but on another hand its just plain sad to see them "fly".   I am definitely one of those moms that wishes time would freeze just a bit.    I have to say to all the new moms who are experiencing the birth of their first baby...enjoy it all.  Don't fret over how much your little one is or isn't sleeping, eating, or doing,  because in time it will all work out.   Don't compare what your baby is doing to any other baby...just savor the moments!! Because before you know it, you'll be watching that little baby, turned 6, shaking her booty to Miley Cyrus and wondering how did we get here so quickly......





35 years of thanksgiving...

This year on Thanksgiving  I helped the kids make a poster of all the things we were thankful for as a family. After doing this with them, I have decided to take some time and really reflect on what I am grateful for in my life.  As I have said before, I feel blessed in immeasurable ways, and I think it is so important to take time and really appreciate all the little, yet BIG things in life.  So,  I decided I would make a list of 35 things I was thankful for this year....since I recently celebrated my 35th birthday.   I challenge you to take the time this Christmas season and really search your heart for what makes you smile?  In doing so, I promise you will come away filled with so much joy and thanksgiving. 

  1. A family who brings me more laughter, love, and comfort than I ever dreamed of.
  2. My husband, Cesar, and experiencing God’s plan for us the past 11 plus years and knowing without a doubt the years we spent together growing up were a big part of HIS plan.  I cannot put into words how much I love this man and am so proud to call him my husband. 
  3. A mother who will drop everything and get on a plane at a moments notice to be here for her grand-babies births (nothing ever went as we "planned" for our babies arrivals)..this same super mom has always made it a priority to be here  for birthdays and holidays so that I wouldn’t be alone,  has driven many miles with a dog and children all in tow, so that we could spend summers in Florida with our family... and who has truly been a best friend for the 35 years of my life.
  4. A father who has always been a shining example of giving and sacrificing all for his family –he has shown us that family is always first.
  5. Parents who have been married 40 plus years and showed us that marriage is truly God’s plan:  to live out our life as Christ, a true example of unconditional love, forgiveness and so much more.
  6. God’s grace and mercy, and the joy I know through my relationship with Him.
  7. Middle of the night nursing—I know it sounds crazy, but I cherish those times with each of my babies, where the whole world is quiet and we have that sweet time together.  I have especially treasured this with our last—sometimes this is the only time during the day that I have with her un-interrupted.
  8. Dr. pepper.
  9. A six year old daughter, that spends every night that her Daddy is deployed, next to me in the king size bed…these conversations, snuggles, and moments are truly priceless. (see picture above)
  10. Saturday mornings:  oh, how I love sleeping in late and so do our kids (most of the time).  Nothing beats Pancake Saturdays and all the kids in bed with us!
  11. Living in a country where we can chose to live the way we want and become who we wish to be.
  12. Email and video chats—when you have a spouse gone for 7 plus months at a time, these become a lifeline, its hard to imagine how the WWII  generation did it.
  13. A babysitter that my children are excited to see arrive and one whom I know will take great care of them.
  14. Friends that have been there through so many life moments, who know me inside and out and love me for it.   Whether far or close in proximity, they are always close in heart.
  15. Sisters—there is nothing better than having a sister to share the world with (NO ONE knows you like your sister) and I am so grateful that my girls have each other …but in turn, I am so happy they also have a brother. My brother taught me so many things about life .  I hope they will all remain close forever.
  16. A mother n law that I love like my own mom, who treats me as her own daughter, who I can share anything and everything with, and has taught me many good recipes.
  17. My nieces and nephews--what an awesome thing to see your siblings and you’re your husband’s siblings  families all grow. And I am so thankful that my children are very close to all of their cousins, even living states away. They really adore them.
  18. Being a mom—I always knew I wanted a house full of children, but never knew how deeply they would each touch my life.
  19. Deployments-you grow a lot as a person and as a couple during these separations. I am grateful we can serve our country in this way.
  20. The invention of the flat iron.
  21. The excitement you see when your child “gets something” like learning to read, a new concept etc. 
  22. The beach—brings back wonderful memories of my childhood spent with my siblings and parents.  And now we look forward to our annual Florida beach trip with all the siblings and grandchildren.  Haven’t missed a year yet!!!
  23. The four seasons---growing up in Florida we did not really experience seasons, so this is something I’ve fallen in love with…the hot white sand in the summer, the beautiful leaves in the fall, seeing snow on the trees early in the morning before anyone wakes up, spring and all of its glory…
  24. 3 c-sections, 1 miscarriage, and a premature little baby girl--without enduring these difficult times, I wouldn’t be the mother I am. 
  25. The smell of a clean house.
  26. A good night’s sleep.
  27.  Finding pleasure in the small things in life.
  28. Good manners.
  29. Kisses and hugs—I can never get enough.  
  30.  I Love You’s.
  31. Lunch dates with girl friends.
  32. Date nights—doesn’t need to be anything fancy, I just cherish the special moments we can sneak in alone.   
  33. Dancing with my children and hearing their laughter throughout the house.
  34. The blessing of being a stay at home mother and wife—I know that this is not for everyone, but I am grateful for every day I get to do this;  no doubt we do our share of sacrificing, but I really enjoy this time with my family—I  wish the days didn’t go by so quickly.
  35. 35 years of health, love, happiness, and pure joy. I have experienced many heartaches and trials, but these events are what mold us into who we are.  I am grateful for it all!





brotherly love...

...this house is full of some sweet boys! The R family are wonderful friends of ours and I was so excited to take their pictures again this year, with their newest addition.   The older brothers' love shines through to baby J and I had such fun capturing their time together!  They all openly hug and kiss each other with such affection and you can see the love that encompasses each of them.  To top it all off, they were all dressed impeccably--Angela definitely proves that boys can look just as adorable as little girls.   I love this family and have so many fun memories over the past couple of years with our children.    Here's hoping the New Year will bring us more time to share together! Thanks for a fun afternoon...enjoy a few of my favorites from today!





weekend simplicity

Oh, how I love the weekends.  My husband, Cesar and I have loved to sleep late for our entire marriage..and thank goodness, our sweet children have followed suit.   Weekends are cherished and pretty simple around our house....long days in jammies, movies on the couch, bike rides in the neighborhood, trips to the park, or dinner with friends... are usually found on our agenda.  Like I said, pretty simple family time.   I will never grow tired of time outdoors around our neighborhood  here in North really is beautiful.



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the middle child is......

one who amazes me and touches my heart every day.    Our middle child, Mason is sandwiched right in between two sisters.   When my husband and I decided we were ready to have children, I always pictured a house of girls.   I had a brother and two sisters growing up and just saw myself with all daughters.   As we know, our ideas are not always what God has planned for us.   I'll never forget the night when we came home from my 20 week sonogram to find out our 2nd born child would be a boy.  I can now openly admit, I cried in the tub. And YES, now it seems totally crazy..why wasn't I just relishing in the fact I had a healthy child coming....but I just didn't know what I would do with a BOY!    WOW!!! All I can say is God's plans and works are amazing!    I love this little man in ways I can't explain...I love his mischief and his true love for life.   The way I have to work to get his cuddles and kisses, but how I also catch him on a daily basis being so tender kissing his baby sister.   Yes, he is my challenge but he brings me so much laughter and fills my heart with so much love. I couldn't imagine our family in any other way.    It is so true what people tell you. You will LOVE every child you have one more than the other...just different. Each of them bring things to life that are so unique and special.  Thank you Lord for this blessing....for the gift of motherhood!

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gingerbread cookie I met my close friend Angela for lunch and she surprised me with this scrumptious gingerbread cookie shower gel from ULTA.  What a fun way to start the holiday season.  I was so happy to have this time today with A as we have been so busy this fall that our times together  have been far and few between. 

 Have you ever had that friend who knew what you needed before you even did?  The friend that  is always  there to pick up milk when you are down to the last drop, take your children when emergencies arise,  bring you a smile when you need it the most?   Well, Angela has been that friend to me since we met almost two years ago.... I can't thank her enough for all she has done. I will forever be grateful!  We've shared so many laughs and endured many times together as Moms and Marine wives.   She is one of the most gracious people I know--I am so glad that our children met each other at school and started our  friendship!

On a side note...I went to ULTA and picked up the peppermint shower gel as well. These things are so yummy!!  I guess it really is the little things in life that can bring us smiles!

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...wasn't that what we said back in the day:  love ya like a sis?  That's exactly how I feel for my beloved friend Lisa.  The super sweet H family came to stay with us this weekend..and what fun we all shared.    Sometimes God places people in your lives that will forever be like family...we all just have that special bond with this family and feel so blessed for it...My Ellie and Lisa's Caroline share the same birthday and are the best of friends, even living states apart now.  I just know these girls will have a friendship for life .  Lisa and I shared a business for five years, the Pink Turtle, but due to location, it just wasn't feasible anymore. We still share our love for sewing and creating cute things...our love for our babies, and our love for life.  We are blessed to be God parents to their youngest children Addyson and Johnathan. All FIVE of their babies mean the world to us heart just smiles watching little Addyson and her extreme love for life.   Thanks guys for a fun fun weekend!!! Until next time...





everyday things...

It is the everyday things I cherish and hope I capture so I never forget them....I encourage anyone with children to try and capture everyday you'll look back and remember the phases your child went through, the experiences they shared, the moments you lived together... Cars, the movie is one of those things in our all started with a movie night with Daddy and has evolved into a passion that words couldn't do justice.   It is so amazing to see how it started with my son playing with these little vehicles all over the house. I would trip on them left and right throughout the day..BUT now, I catch glimpses of him with his book in hand and his cars reenacting the stories he has read or watched...

Have I told you how much I love this little guy?





soul sisters

I have really learned as I've gotten older that we have certain friends in life that we share really core values, interests, thoughts, and beliefs. These people are more than just friends we hang out with, laugh with, or share a good time.  Of course, you do all those things too..but these are people that really get you inside and out.  I have also found that I  cherish having a few great close friends vs. hanging out in large groups.   And the reality of the Marine Corps life is , friends come and go....NO , not out of our lives for good, but physically move away.   This summer a couple close families moved and it was so sad to return from our summer vacation knowing they would no longer be here.   Shortly after returning we had a playdate with the B family..and all I can say is the rest is history. I feel like I have known them my entire life.  Holly and I have spent the past three months having weekly meals, laughing about our challenges as single mommies to our crazy kiddos, and having lots of heart to heart talks...I know without a doubt that God gave us this special friendship at just the right time.  Enjoy these sweet pictures of her two beauties playing in the yard one morning while Mama was out for some "quiet" time (aka : hair appt)!





the C family

Today I took pictures for this adorable family. Erica, their mother, was Mason's teacher last year in pre-school. I had sewn a few things for her little girl, Lilly but had never met any of the children in person.  It was wonderful to finally do just that...and a great experience for me to photograph children other than my own. I loved getting to know them and see their awesome personalities shine through!! Seems like these boys have an endearing love for their baby sis.....thanks for sharing your afternoon with me! 





do I have to say goodbye?

Today our cherished neighbors and friends moved away.   This family was so precious to us and our children became the best of friends---it didn't matter what ages any of our kids were--both Ellie and Mason adored all four of their boys.   We are so thankful for the time we got to live next door to this family and know we will forever be connected. For now we say Farewell dear S Family....we wish you all the best and love each of you!   Thank you for all the special memories...

