project 52 l week 50 l remember & reflect — GINGER UNZUETA

"be happy for this moment.  this moment is your life."-omar khayyam

this is the last week of project 52 with my current group of friends.   its amazing to think we've been doing  this for 50 weeks together.   and what an awesome time it has been. our group got off to a late start last year, so we are acutally 2 weeks short of a full year.  next week i iwill begin my 2nd year of project 52 with a new group and new themes...i am so excited!!

this final theme was : remember and reflect..what is something you want to do differently in 2012?

as i remember and reflect on isn't so much on anything i want to change.   but really, how much i wish i could stay right here in this moment.   i can remember last year this time.   my husband had been deployed four months and we had atleast five months left apart.   we knew we would be moving duty stations, but not sure where the Lord would take us.   we had been praying about homeschooling our children but the answer was not clear.   i can almost feel the uncertainty my life was filled with as i reflect on last year.   and i can tell you, my faith in God grew more and more as i let Him lead us and prayed we would take the right paths in all aspects of our life. 

 now a year later...i am basking in the feeling of having our family complete.  yes, my husband is busy traveling a lot but he is home most of the time.   we have closed on our home in the town my husband and i grew up in and are raising our children with both sets of grandparents and cousins all around them.  we have our children at home daily;  learning together and sharing our days as a family.   life is fairly simple and good and i just thank God for all of this.   as i reflect on 2011 it was certainly a year filled with many decisions and much change.    it was a time of growth for me spiritually and personally.  and my hope for 2012 is to enjoy each and every moment spent with my husband, our children, and our families, because its simply what really matters...

our house now sits on this quiet  lake.  there isn't a day that i don't wake up and look out the windows or sit on the back porch and think how grateful i am to be home.  when i saw the kids playing at the lake  this afternoon, it reminded me of the way i feel right now as the new year begins.   they are so peaceful and so content...


 head on over to my friends lucy's blog,  Lucy Jane, Adelaide Photographer and see what she remembers about 2011...

have a blessed new year, ginger

