project 52 l week 45 l thankful — GINGER UNZUETA

welcome to this week's project 52.  i hope you all had a blessed thanksgiving with those you love.   our theme this week is thankful:   what are you thankful for? WHO are you thankful for? we've been reflecting a lot recently here at home about  the many blessings in our lives.   the kids created turkeys and added feathers each day;  listing what they were thankful for.  i feel so grateful this year first off to have my husband home.  last year was the first time in our twelve years of marriage that he was gone for all of the holidays. it was such a lonely time having him away and made me really just appreciate being together.   i am so thankful for him and all he does to provide for our family, which enables me to stay home and be here for our children.   we are so blessed to have three amazing, healthy, and happy babies.  i could list so many things i have to be thankful for; so many people.   BUT when i really reflect on this year...i just can't express what it feels like to be home again.  to have my siblings and parents all living within walking distance together.   to have all the cousins running in our yard together.  to see each other for pancakes on saturdays or other simple family gatherings.  or just to drive by and wave as i see my mom out walking her dog, or sister n law getting the mail...the list just goes on.   this is a dream i once had....that is now a reality. and i thank God for this time because it is such a special gift.   i am so thankful that HE has brought us all back here in His own way.....

continue with our blog circle and see what Linsey Stuckey, Houston TX photographer has captured this week!

