project 52 l week 44 l soft — GINGER UNZUETA

it's so exciting to think we have almost spent an entire year together doing this project!  i will definitely be participating in another one of these next year, as it has been such fun and a great creative boost many weeks.  i am so grateful to the bloom forum and all i have learned since joining this amazing group of ladies. its not often that you find people so willing to share and offer advice.   now for this week's theme.  this week's theme was soft: something soft. i imagine the ladies in our group will come up with some wonderful images...(maybe even a baby or two).   this week my images are with a new blanket i got for my birthday.  my sister n law was so sweet to find it for me....she thought it would be good for photo shoots, but so far we have been using it for snuggling. it is wonderfully soft. 

Now head over to the blog of Amy Ames of Holly Springs NC, and see what soft image she has captured.  I know you will love it!! 

happy friday, ginger

