project 52 l week 4 l homemade — GINGER UNZUETA

thanks for joining us for another week of project 52.   we are a group of photographers who are all members of the bloom forum.    we will be challenged each week to photograph a new theme.  last week's theme was refreshing.  this week our theme is homemade.   once again, this week we have been enjoying the amazing weather and have spent a lot of time outdoors.  the kids and i were going to make homemade boats and have boat races in the lake.  here's a neat link to making boats i found on Pinterest.  we ended up buying plastic boats and the kids made sand castles along the raceway and dug out a "victory spot"  for their boats to float in after the race. (we will try to make these cute paper boats eventually). hope you enjoy a glimpse into our afternoon..

continue with our blog circle and see what the everso talented Mary Schannen of Melange Photography has this week for homemade...

happy friday,  ginger

