project 52 l week 3 l refreshing — GINGER UNZUETA

we are back for another week of project 52 with my friends from the bloom forum.   thank you for continuing to follow our project this year.    we have so many fun themes ahead and it is so  inspiring to see how our circle of  photographers capture the theme each week.   this week our theme is refreshing. refreshing brought many thoughts to mind.  a tall glass of water after a long run, a glass of lemonade on a hot sunny day,  a nice refreshing shower.   so many moments can portray this word so well.  for my pictures this week i captured my two oldest children out on the dock enjoying popsicles, some laughter, and fun.  we did have a few cold days here in florida last week (cold for us in the 40's and 50's) but this week we were back to our nice 70's in the afternoon and the kids were barefoot and carefree once again (and it is super refreshing to feel the humid free air with such a gentle breeze to it).   it truly is such a wonderful time of the year here.   the kids are so enjoying being able to get their school work done early and have the rest of the day to explore and enjoy life.   it is a true blessing.  i also captured one picture of the clouds and sky reflecting off the lake.   i thought it was so gorgeous.  it really is so relaxing to live on the lake. i have been spending most late afternoons just sitting by the water as my three little ones make sand castles and play till their hearts are content...

please continue with our blog circle and see what Clara from Heart Inspired Photography | Adelaide Photographer caputured this week..

happy friday, ginger

