project 52 l week 20 l power — GINGER UNZUETA

this week's theme for project 52 is power.  we were at Walt Disney World last saturday.   i couldn't help but notice how enamored our three children were with the race cars.  they stared at them in awe.   the noise of their engines intrigued them.  this was the first time our youngest (who is 2) was tall enough to join us.  so, we split up into two cars...the girls and the boys.   this meant both my oldest daughter and our son would get to drive.   they were ecstatic.  they would have the power behind the wheel.

and before i go i have to leave you with this one of our sweet baby girl.  she FINALLY got her own mickey mouse ears..and as you can see, she was quite smitten.  love her.

i'd say they are all pretty special to this mama.

please follow our blog circle and see the amazing image mary schannen of melange photography has this week.

