project 52 l week 10 l memories — GINGER UNZUETA

memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.  ~

From the television show The Wonder Years

this week our theme for project 52 is memories.  its really the every day moments that become the memories that last a lifetime.  it certainly doesn't take fancy vacations, elaborate toys or anything crazy.....just simple times with people you love.  i am so grateful for all the memories i have over my lifetime. they bring me laughter, tears, hope, many emotions.

as i reflect on the past week, i realize how many fun memories we make as a family on a daily basis. and what is so special when i look at the past week (and months)  is that my children's' "memories" now get to include their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who they see all the time.  such a treasure!  this week some of our memories included gardening with mita, sharing some quiet time with pito, helping celebrate two very special cousins' birthdays, water gun fights with each other, dr.Seuss's' birthday week celebrations and some fun in the lake....

now head on over to the blog of Clara from Heart Inspired Photography | Adelaide Photographer and see what memories she has captured....


blessings, ginger

