Everyday Beauty Workshop | Student Reviews and Features — GINGER UNZUETA

My fourth class of Everyday Beauty finished last month.  Each opportunity I get  to work with these students is always so unique and such a gift. During our time together I am always excited to see my students grow and continue to be inspired by their daily lives. Below is a collection of work and words from some of the ladies from my May class. Thank you each for taking part in our three weeks together. I hope you will continue to seek the beautiful moments and details in your everyday life. (You can continue to follow the students from my past classes at the Cherish this Day blog.  It is a project filled with inspiration.

Tiffany Dahle

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Taking Ginger's workshop has completely changed how I approach photographing my girls. It gave me the time to take a breath and step back from the action. I learned to document what was happening before me without manipulating the scene too much. I have finally learned how to capture childhood without posing it.


Lara Gowder


I had this workshop on my to do list for a while, and I am so glad I was able to get in this time! I love Ginger's work, the way she captures her daily family activities so beautifully, is something I have wanted to do with my boys. Ginger shares so much with her students, from her tips on what to capture, how to look for the perfect light, and so much more. Her own images of her family are so full of love and fun.

I needed a push because I was in a creative rut, and this class pushed me in so many ways. From exploring new rooms in my own home, to finding light throughout my home, to view our everyday in different ways. I truly believe I have grown and my photography has grown, just from this workshop. The lessons are very well laid out, and Ginger is so giving with her feedback.


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If you are considering this course….take it!  you will not be disappointed one bit!  Ginger is by far one of the best instructors I have experienced.  She is extremely organized, the class is set up in a way that you keep building on what you have learned, the feedback is very helpful and Ginger is so easy to contact and beyond willing to answer anything. In fact, she continually encourages me, this course was a great reminder to photograph all the little moments and details.  I walked away from the course feeling refreshed and full of new ideas for documenting my four kids!

Jill M

Emmy Treganza

I’m not a professional photographer.  I’m simply  a mom who takes a lot of photos of her kid.  And taking Ginger’s Everyday Beauty workshop was pure inspiration.  I adore her style and jumped at the chance to learn from someone whom I admire.  I believe her philosophy and approach to capturing everyday beauty is one of the main reasons why I admire her work so much.  She has definitely helped shape my thinking and approach to taking pictures.  I can’t give away the specifics.  All I can say is take her workshop!  Do it!  You’ll be happy you did.  I know I am.

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Kristin Wahls

Ginger's workshop truly opened up my eyes. Prior to the Everyday Beauty workshop, I was in a creative rut where I thought my life just wasn't photogenic enough and that capturing my busy 10-month old day to day was far too great a challenge. Ginger helped me to be unafraid of any lighting condition and encouraged us all to look at our everyday world in a new way. Suddenly, the way the light hit my son's hair became truly beautiful and worth capturing. The way his eyes lit up while playing with his dad became much more noticeable...or how his wrinkly little hands clung to bath toys in the tub. Little details that went unnoticed before suddenly became moments worth photographing and now pieces of art I will absolutely cherish forever. Ginger and her encouraging words as well as the supportive women in the workshop with me helped me climb out of my rut and celebrate my day-to-day life, however perfectly unperfect it may be.

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Emma Morgan

I love Gingers work, it drew me to this wonderful workshop. I have enjoyed every part and have come away with more insight on how to observe, be part of and capture the moments of unspoilt everyday beauty. Really inspiring, I'm feeling so much more connected with my photographs.

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Andrea Skidmore

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I'm not very good with truly expressing myself through words, but wanted to take the time to say how thankful I am to Ginger and for the opportunity I had to take her Everyday Beauty class. From the very first time I saw Ginger's work I knew I wanted to learn from her. Through her images it is easy to see her passion for her family, photography and the beauty of every life...I wanted the same thing for myself.

When I signed up I was in a slump photography wise; and had been for the past few years. I was stuck and exhausted after retiring from the business of photography. Pictures of my family were only quick snapshots without much thought given. I wanted more for my family and myself. Ginger's class has given me the kick I needed. She was so attentive; always answering questions and giving great feedback. It was so nice to take the 3 weeks to slow down, pay attention, and really see the beauty of my family life. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from Ginger. I know this class will be something I look back on for inspiration time and time again.

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Christy Balogh

The Everyday Beauty workshop was such an inspiration for me. I have been taking pictures for many years and have really felt burnt out lately. This workshop inspired me and taught me how to capture beauty in our everyday world! Ginger was such an encouragement and was open to teaching, helping, and relating anything she knew to us. Thank you Ginger for being an inspiration to me and the other photographers in the workshop! Worth every penny!

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Mikki Skinner

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I was in need of some inspiration and perhaps a reconnection as to why I love to take photos so much. Signed up for Ginger's class and am so incredibly thankful I took the plunge! So much of Ginger's heart is weaved into her class, everything from the materials, the videos, the critique, the encouragement, the love. I have learned to let it go, and just let your heart direct. Take photos to remember the place, the story, the details, the memory. Thank you Ginger for a beautiful handful of weeks!

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Gina Baggs

After discovering and viewing Ginger’s images online, I knew I had to take her class!! Her images are just beautiful, filled with so much emotion, story and soul. I learned so much from her; from sparking my passion of learning photography, seeing the everyday beauty of everything around me in all different perspectives, and becoming a better mother/wife and to embrace and enjoy every minute with my family.
Ginger and her workshop is a blessing and inspiring!  Thank you for sharing your amazing talent and abundance of knowledge with us!
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Janielle Granstaff


When I signed up for Ginger Unzueta's Everyday Beauty workshop as a silent student, I wondered how much I would be able to take away from it if I wasn't having that one on one interaction with her. But I also knew this was not something I wanted to pass on yet again. And boy was I glad I didn't. The class was so organized, so well presented, and so interestingIt definitely kept me on my toes the entire 3 weeks, always looking forward to more knowledge, more tips. And she delivered those every time. She was able to not only open my eyes to the things that surround me, but to keep them open and to SEE them in a new perspective. Ginger has a magical way to show you the world around you and this is a lesson I will forever keep with me.

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Melissa Rowley


I can’t thank Ginger enough for all her encouragement during her amazing Everyday Beauty workshop.  The first time I saw her images, I fell in love with the simple but powerful way she was documenting the life of her family through her photography.  I signed up thinking that I was going to learn technical skills that would magically translate into emotion and connection, but it was through her lessons in honing in on the details I wanted to remember about my children, the memories I wanted to preserve, and the thoughtful stories that I wanted to share with others that I learned to be patient with my journey and process, and that’s what created emotion and connection in my images.  I especially appreciated her gentle way of giving critique and the confidence she instilled in all of the participants.  I truly believe she gave her all to support us during the workshop as an instructor and will continue to support us after as a mentor and friend.  This workshop is one of those life changing experiences - I will be forever grateful for all that she taught me.

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Angie Schueren


The Everyday Beauty workshop with Ginger Unzueta was beyond perfection. Ginger was a true inspiration and taught us how to think outside the box to capture the moments of our every day.  Besides teaching us composition, lighting, framing and all of the technical photography information, she taught us how to be present within the moments of our children's life, how to capture the emotion and not take any moments for granted.  She was phenomenal at answering all of the questions that were submitted, no matter what the content.  Ginger was truly devoted to all of the students, and she cared about each and every student's outcome of the course.  She pushed everyone to see their true talent, and was so encouraging.

Thank you Ginger for being my inspiration and to help me see the everyday beauty within my chaos called life.

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Staci Schonbrun


Hi Ginger- I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed taking your course. I specifically did not want to take a class that told me how to do this technique or set up lights a certain way, but rather wanted a class that would focus much more on the everyday. You fit the bill with a beautiful class that not only encourages, but celebrates and highlights the beauty of everyday life. This class really encouraged me to improve my way of looking at the normal chaotic scene of life and seeing small parts of it that elevate a snapshot into a beautiful piece of art. You patiently answered the many questions asked of you and always left encouraging feedback that made the next assignment even better. I am  sad to see the class end, but thank you for the wonderful opportunities and insight that you shared. I hope to continue and build on the inspiration you filled me with. Sincerely, Staci Schonbrun

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Amy Bernard

think perhaps the most meaningful 'takeaway' for me - in learning from Ginger - has been in how it impacted the very way I function in my everyday.  With my camera, and without.  Somewhere in the course of motherhood I'd lost perspective and got stuck in an 'on to the next' rut.  And while I'd long looked to my photographs to kind of pause and appreciate or truly 'see'… it was during Ginger's class that I rediscovered and owned a bit of more of the moment.  Being present.  I mean, sure - there have been other influences (hello life) but it's all about the timing and these lessons just could not have come at a more giving time.  When I look at Ginger's Joy Project what I have envied most - and am drawn in most by - is the feeling that she is there and that framed the way I took in what she offered.  Some of my own recent / favorite images came about from letting the lessons sink in, and what I found most especially helpful was the examples she provided of her own images and the background story of light or composition, the perspective and just the 'why' this moment.  It allowed me to process the technical information on a practical level while also prompting me to focus more fully on capturing my children and our days as I see them.  I intend to keep going back and re-learning from the materials and truly loved having this window in to Ginger's approach and workflow.

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Registration for Ginger's September class is open NOW. This will be her last class for 2014. There are a few active seats left at this time. You can register here.

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