cherish this day l july — GINGER UNZUETA

“While there are birthdays, holidays, and special occasions, most of life happens messily in between the milestones.  And we can’t forget to celebrate it.”  -Maile Wilson it really is the moments in between all the milestones and celebrations where i find us and the beauty of the life we have been given.   i used to think that what i lived and knew as ordinary was everyone's ordinary.   slowly, my eyes have been opened to the world around me.  this has come in many different ways, but i am thankful for each way it has happened.  no, the peace, the light, the calm (even amidst the chaos of three young children) that we seem to know in our home, in our family, is a unique gift. it is a gift i thank God for daily.  it is also a gift i want to capture and savor and document.  it may not be our forever, but it is our now and i never want to forget these days together.  they are cherished.

one afternoon my girls made strawberry ice cream.  their only request was to do it all by themselves.

ginger unzueta cherish this day july 1ginger unzueta cherish this day july 2

please follow along to the cherish this day blog.  together, we are mothers and photographers who want to capture the beauty in our every day lives.


this group was formed after finishing my first Everyday Beauty workshop with the Bloom Forum.  it has been amazing to watch each of these ladies grow in their photography over the past few months.

