10 on 10: the december edition — GINGER UNZUETA

"the days are so long, but the years are so short"  -excerpt from the happiness project

as a mother to three young children i realize  that our days are often times much too busy.  and within our days there is always some sort of  "to do" list..even if it is just laundry, dishes, pick up the mess, repeat.  but i never want our days together to be just a to do list. and i certainly don't want to remember them as that.  i want to remember the little moments of my children's childhood.  i want to remember us together and enjoying our days.  these moments aren't always beautiful pictures but they are the memories i know i will cherish the most.  and yes, i love capturing those frame worthy moments but i don't want to forget all those times in between.  one day i know i will long to look back and see what "every day life" looked like...with all its imperfections that equal together to make it just perfect.  

so without further ado, i am very excited to introduce you to a new project i am starting.   once again i am partnering up with some fabulous ladies from the bloom forum. this project started on the forum as an idea of shannon harrison of jack and ruby studios.   after she started this project with her initial group of 10 photographers, other groups of 10 have followed.  you can read more about what inspired her to do this here.  when i saw this idea, i was immediately drawn to it and could not wait to get started.

the plan is to pick one day from the month and shoot an image every hour (or close to it) with no theme or structure.  on the 10th of every month, we’ll post our 10 images that tell the story of our day.  some months we may showcase more than ten images, from more than 1 day, from more or less than ten hours, but these images will be a reflection of our day to day life each month.  please join me for this fun journey. 

what was CUTE RED ELF up to last night?
the first to wake up...always.
gorgeous morning.
a beautiful mess.
my refreshing moment.
orange trees in our yard.
the orange paint brings memories of a fun night and a missed friend.
daddy is home from bahrain..three hours and he's off to virginia.
being two can be very hard.
off to pick a tree.
a daily occurence.
ready for the Christmas pageant with mimi and popi.
letter to santa.
2 asleep 1 awake.
   i encourage you to head over to ElizabethJanephoto and see what 10 she has captured...

blessings, ginger


