10 on 10 | the august edition — GINGER UNZUETA

“Wherever you are, be all there." I have lived the runner, panting ahead in worry, pounding back in regrets, terrified to live in the present, because here-time asks me to do the hardest of all: just open wide and receive.-Ann Voskamp

I read these words this week and they struck a chord with me.  I could have written these words myself.  My natural tendency is to look behind and see what I could have done differently, or plan ahead to how I can make tomorrow perfect.  But what I want more than anything is to sit and enjoy today for each moment I am given. To wake up and realize every day is a gift and live like that.   To really live with the Faith I know deep inside that God has a plan for me and my life. PERIOD.  I don't have to be in control always, because He is.

I have started reading a book called 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and my mind has been stirring a lot about this.  I thank my friend Ashley for our recent conversations which ultimately led me to start reading this book.  I love the way God uses people in ways you would never imagine.

 This month's 10 on 10 is a collaboration of 5 days spent solely at home in our backyard by the lake.  We had cousins in and out of our home all week enjoying the carefree days of summer and childhood.   I feel like each of these days I was able to be there fully content in the present. I didn't want to be anywhere but where I was.  It's a beautiful thing to feel this. To live this.  I want to wake anew each day and see the gifts all around me...big and small.  They are infinitely there and I am grateful.

Next in our 10 on 10 group is Jackie Tyghem.  You don't want to miss seeing her beautiful lifestyle work.

