
the beauty of grace

My oldest daughter is now 9. We share the most wonderful talks these days.  I love to hear the thoughts that are filled inside of her head.  One thing I have clearly noticed over the past few years is the struggle she has with perfectionism.  I can identify it well, as I have lived my own life with this--as long as I can remember.   As a mother,  I  see how it can pull at us and paralyze us from being the person God has planned for us to be.

My sweet 9 year old will come to me  filled with grief for something she "thought" or something she has done.  She struggles as we do her math together; wanting to get it perfect the 1st time and getting upset when she is unsuccessful.  She notices the behaviors of those she is around. When they aren't being kind or respectful, she doesn't quite understand why.   She loves everyone and opens her heart the only way she knows how.   We have talked a lot about others and that kindness will not always be offered to us in return. I struggle with this a lot myself and it's hard to be honest and explain to her that the world is filled with people who will not love us for one reason or another.  Or sometimes, for no reason at all.  I believe perfectionism comes hand in hand with people pleasing.    And one of the hardest things to accept is that not everyone will like us; much less love us.

This week I was in the car with my three children when my daughter downloaded the song "Hello, my name is" by Mathew West.  I sat in the car  listening to this song and really thought about the lyrics.  And then we sang it over and over again...all 4 of us.

The song says:

Hello, my name is regret I'm pretty sure we have met Every single day of your life I'm the whisper inside That won't let you forget

Hello, my name is defeat I know you recognize me Just when you think you can win I'll drag you right back down again ‘Til you've lost all belief

These are the voices, these are the lies And I have believed them, for the very last time

Hello, my name is child of the one true King I've been saved, I've been changed, And I have been set free “Amazing Grace” is the song I sing Hello, my name is child of the one true King

I am no longer defined By all the wreckage behind The one who makes all things new Has proven it's true Just take a look at my life

What love the Father has lavished upon us That we should be called His children I am a child of the one true King

My children wanted me to explain the meaning of this song to them as they usually do when they hear a new song.  In my opinion,  this song could have so many different meanings.  But yesterday as we sang it, what I wanted to tell all of my children was that our Heavenly Father has "lavished His love upon us"  and "amazing grace is the song we should sing".

I want my children to have grace with themselves and grace with anyone they come in contact with.   I want them to know I do not expect them to be perfect and neither does God.  I want them to live their lives and open their hearts to others with the type of grace Jesus has given us.  This world is full of people "pointing their fingers" at others, shaming them, and judging them.  But, who are we to judge anyone? I pray that our children will grow up loving others and seeing the best in humanity.  I want my children to see others through God's eyes.

"When we face a difficult situation or are dealing with difficult people in our lives, it becomes very easy to see them through our eyes.  We see the hurt they cause us.  We see the wrong they've done to us. We see their actions through the lens of our own personal experience.

When we face a difficult situation or are dealing with difficult people in our lives and we seek to them through God’s eyes, we are able to see them as a hurting or lost person.  We see their woundedness or their confusion. We can sometimes see where they are being deceived. If we seek wholeheartedly, we can even see their possibilities instead of their liabilities.

Seeing the world and others through God’s perspective takes the focus off of us.  This keeps us from taking things personally. And when we don’t take things personally, we can be more objective, we can better stand in the gap in prayer for the other person, and we can see things as they are instead of seeing them as we are."- Jill Savage

We try hard to remind our children of all of this.  And as a mother and adult, I need this reminder myself.  I want to remember to not only see others through God's eyes but to see myself that way too.  I am growing and learning more and more, day by day. I will fall and with God's help I will get back up.  There is not a "standard" to which I need to be as a mother, wife, daughter, friend, or person.  I just need to live for God daily and ask Him to guide me to continue to be the person He wants me to be.

I know I can't keep my children from facing their own struggles; whether they come from within or through others they come in contact with. But,  I can pray for them and try to remind them that we have been given God's Amazing Grace and it is such a beautiful thing.








everyday beauty l a bloom forum workshop l EARLY REGISTRATION

Learn how light, composition, connections, and details all come together to create memories that will last a lifetime. Ginger will give insight into observing daily routines and spaces within your home to capture authentic moments. In addition, she will present ideas for you to create your own story telling session from start to finish. Finally, she will discuss shooting in public places and the importance of getting in the pictures yourself. This two week mini workshop will include 4 assignments with personal critique and feedback from Ginger on each assignment. You will receive a PDF of all of the course material and assignments.

A Q&A section will also be provided. At the end of the course there will be a private section on Bloom where participants can continue interacting and sharing with one another.

A DSLR camera and basic knowledge of shooting in manual is recommended. You must be a member of the Bloom Forum to participate.

Read reviews from past students here.

Early Registration Details:

(this is your chance to sign up early, before registration is announced and opened within the forum)

Workshop Dates: July 22-August 5

If you are not a member of the Bloom Forum yet, you can join by clicking on the icon below:







If you have any questions please email:

Note: Workshop fees are non-refundable.


Please note this is for the July 2013 workshop, to register for the January 2014 workshop please go here.



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motherhood | a reflection on mother's day

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."-Rajneesh

Mother's Day is a time of year that always brings me to a point of reflection.   I can remember 9 years ago celebrating my first Mother's Day just like it was yesterday.  I was a new mom with our firstborn baby only a couple weeks old.  Mother's Day changed from that moment forward for me. I believe each year the meaning of being a mother intensifies in ways.  It's hard for me to put into words how much I love my three children and how much motherhood has changed me.   God has taught me so much about myself, others, and His love and grace through motherhood.

This week one morning I was reading a daily devotion by Charles Stanley called The Service of Motherhood.  It was so encouraging to me as a mother and I wanted to share it with other mothers.

"Philippians 2:1-11

Children are a gift from the Lord (Ps. 127:3-5). As a result, motherhood is a great honor and privilege. Yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are nursing a baby late at night, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.

Sometimes this constant serving can be exhausting and even discouraging— particularly for a first-time mother. But you can take real encouragement from Jesus. One of the best examples of gracious servanthood is found in John 13:3-16. By kneeling to wash His disciples’ feet, the Lord showed that the key to genuine leadership is humility. And it is humility that leads to eternal reward.

Unless you are willing to stoop down and get your hands dirty, you will miss the real riches of motherhood. By dying to your own desires and pouring your life into someone else’s, you become like Christ and create a godly legacy that will carry on for generations to come. What greater blessing could one hope for? Of course, the motivation for serving others should not be to reap benefits, but when we follow God’s plan for our life, that’s what happens.

In giving us children, God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for the sake of others—to abandon our own desires and put our child’s interests first. Yet according to His perfect design, it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled."

-from The Service of Motherhood, Charles Stanley,

As I read this message I couldn't help but think of my own mother and all she sacrificed for my brother and sisters and myself.   It was easy to take it for granted growing up and only knowing the life we had, but now as a mother myself; her service really stands out to me.   I am so grateful for being brought up in home where I saw this example modeled daily.

"Unless you are willing to stoop down and get your hands dirty, you will miss the real riches of motherhood. By dying to your own desires and pouring your life into someone else’s, you become like Christ and create a godly legacy that will carry on for generations to come."

Wow, when you really look at the purpose and responsibility God has given us as mothers it surely puts the day to day life of caring for our children's needs into perspective.  It's easy for us all to get frustrated in the moments of our daily tasks....meals to fix, diapers to change, clothes to clean, activities to attend....but when we look at these tasks in a Godly way, we see there is so much meaning to what we are doing as mothers.

I will admit that I had no idea what it meant to "die to my own desires and pour my life into someone else"..until the day my daughter was born.   I was so used to being on the receiving end of this. As a mother to my own children now, I feel challenged to be the woman and mother God has called me to be. I also feel encouraged because He blessed me with three children to serve and lead and ultimately I know He believes in my abilities.

"In giving us children, God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for the sake of others—to abandon our own desires and put our child’s interests first. Yet according to His perfect design, it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled."

Finally, I feel so grateful to know this "fulfillment."   Yes, His perfect design, is just that--perfect.   The more I mother my children, putting them first, the more I see how complete my life truly is.

I hope this message can be one of encouragement to all mothers today.  We have been given a special role and gift by God and for that we all need to be thankful.  We are blessed.

Happy Mother's Day.  Much love to you and your families.



I want to  thank Rashmi Pappu, an amazing photographer with a heart of gold, for posting the first quote about motherhood by Rajneesh.  It is beautiful and resonated with me immediately.


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10 on 10 | the may edition

“There simply aren't any grand moments in life, and we surely don’t live in those moments. No, we live in the utterly mundane. We exist in the bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways of life. This is where the character of our life is set. This is where we live the life of faith.” – Paul David Tripp taking over mama and daddy's bed


sibling love


taking care of babies

under the table

in the water


all three

snack time

follow along to the blog of Melissa Weicker and see what 10 on 10 she has.  every month i am impressed over and over again with her talent.







a giveaway with Kate T. Parker Photography

Who doesn't love a giveaway??!!  When Kate told me about this amazing opportunity, I was more than happy to host . Kate will be participating in teaching an online workshop with 5 other photographers.

Finding Your Photo Style Workshop 6 weeks starts 5/23/2013 $68 Click here to sign up.

About the class and the instructors Looking for some incredible photo ideas? Look no further than Finding Your Photo Style, a 6-week online workshop packed with creative photo tips, tricks, and insider secrets that will help you find (or refine) your own signature photography style.

In Finding Your Photo Style, you’ll get to know six premier photographers (see the video below!) who take stylish, stunning, and unique pictures of their families and their everyday lives—while also working as professional photographers in their own corners of the world.

These photography pros are ready to spill some of their best secrets and challenge you to try their favorite photo ideas for yourself! Through inspirational videos, downloadable challenges, and hands-on exercises that cover photography tips and post-processing tricks alike, you’ll discover the looks that suit you best.

Tracey Clark, Southern California Rebecca Cooper, Raymond, Alberta, Canada Elizabeth Dillow, Cheyenne, Wyoming Maggie Holmes, Gilbert, Arizona Andrea Jenkins, Southern California Kate T. Parker, Atlanta, Georgia

You can watch a video clip here.

Link to purchase…we can refund if you win!






everyday beauty workshop reviews

In March 2013 I had the wonderful experience of teaching my first online workshop entitled Everyday Beauty with the Bloom Forum.  I will forever be grateful to Brenda, the owner of the Bloom Forum, for giving me this opportunity.   I have been a member of Bloom for over 2 years and have grown so much in my photography with the help of the amazing ladies who form this beautiful community.   It seems so natural now to be able to teach and give back to other photographers.  Everyday Beauty is a class taught completely from my heart. God has given me this passion for capturing life within my home in a real way and I love to share this with others.  When I first began the class I had no idea how much these ladies would continue to inspire me.   It was such a gift to meet other mothers who were so excited to find the beauty in their daily lives as well.  I am so grateful for the time I got to share with each of the class members.  I look forward to teaching my next class in July. At the conclusion of the workshop, some of the students collaborated to create a monthly project inspired by their desire to capture the everyday beauty within their homes.  You can follow along with this lovely project at the Cherish the Day blog.

I am thankful to share with you some of the reviews and work of my students from this first workshop.  I encourage you to check out the work of all these talented mothers.


Cate Wnek- Cate Wnek Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"The Everyday Beauty workshop with Ginger Unzueta is for anyone who wishes they could appreciate and photograph life more beautifully. Ginger's art is imbued by her immense, genuine appreciation for her life. In this workshop everything becomes something to be cherished and documented exquisitely - to be shared and remembered. It changed the way that I saw my world and family - my house, the light, the expressions, little things, big things - my whole perspective.  After taking this workshop, I find myself seeing rims of light, pops of color, shadows, and reflections that I might not have noticed before. Even opportunities to do something unexpected and fun with my family. At the end, I did find myself a better photographer; but more importantly, a lot happier with my life. It is those everyday moments that matter - spilled chocolate milk, giggling story time - it is these moments that make me want to be a better photographer, a better Mother, more than anything else."



Sherri Davis-Sherri Davis Photography     Find her on Facebook. 

"Words cannot express how grateful I am for being able to spend 2 weeks in Ginger's class. I have come out of it a better photographer, but more importantly a better Mother. Her lessons were not technical how-to's. They were much deeper than that. They were inspiring and guiding. She has such a grace about her. You can see it reflected in her children's eyes in her photographs of them. She is such an inspiration for all mothers who are trying to balance capturing their childhood beautifully but still want to be an attentive, in-the-moment parent.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me to the person I want to be."



Nikki Matthews-Nikki Matthews Photography      Find her on Facebook.

"Dear Ginger,

I don’t know if I have the words to adequately express my appreciation for you and this class.  Everyday Beauty was everything I didn’t know I needed - a little bit of self-discovery, a huge boost in confidence, guidance to the path that was right in front of me, connections to some wonderful ladies, and the most beautiful inspiration a girl could ask for.   When I signed up for your class, I knew that your work was a huge inspiration to me.  I knew that I was in a place where I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my photography – that awkward place where everyone tells you:  you are good, and you should have a business, and your heart says that’s not what is right for you and your family.  I knew I needed to be challenged. I knew I was ready for something more. I delighted to say that not only did your class teach me to see the beauty all around me; it also helped me find my way.  I have a new found confidence in the choices I make, the path I am headed down, and even in the beauty of motherhood. Both through your teaching and your modeling, I continue to be inspired to be the best version of me I can be.  When I try to find the words to adequately express my thanks and appreciation for you and this class, I come up short. Please know that my words do not come close to saying what my heart and mind feel.  So for now, thank you from the bottom of my heart for you, this class and your constant inspiration.

With gratitude,




Sarah Roberts Jennings- The Whispering Willow     Find her on Facebook.

 "I am not a professional photographer but have a passion for capturing life...I have three boys 11, 8 and 2 years old.  I know how quickly my eldest boys grew up and those little people disappear forever, leaving behind just memories which are sometimes forgotten...doing Gingers course has made me record their everyday lives and through this, it has made me sit back and spend more time with them..Instead of cleaning the bathroom (which I usually do when my youngest is in the bath)..I stopped and played with him and captured some shots of what he gets up to in the bath...I discovered little things that I have never noticed before...I captured my middle playing on our bed (I would never photograph in there as thought it was too dull and dark) but after Ginger teaching us how to use the available light in our homes I captured an image which will always be special to me as it shows happy they are together....

We were also taught to capture little details and how to shoot from different angles...and that each shot does not have to be perfect, just that it tells the story of their little lives....

As I look through the photos of my boys I took during Gingers course these last two eyes are filling up as I look at all the little things they have got upto ..Thank you Ginger for teaching me to capture them in this way..its something special to keep forever....

I fully recommend this course and am so lucky to have been a part of it"   SARAH ROBERTS-UK


Lauren Radley-Lauren Radley Photography     Find her on Facebook. 

"Hi Ginger,

I wanted to send you this 'review' which is really more of a thank you. Forgive me in advance, I'm not so great with words, so I have included many images as examples.

In the two weeks I spent in your class, I have found me.  I found what I love. You showed me the beauty in my everyday.  Which has turned the mundane into joy, an adventure to discover what wondrous moments I can capture everyday. I no longer stress about the little things, the messes, or the imperfections of my little home.

I have my camera near by everyday, ready to go.  I capture things I've always wanted to but now I do it!  You know that moment when say to yourself, I wish I had my camera for that!  Well, now I do, which is so special because my husband is often away, and misses all these wonderful little moments.

You also showed me the importance of seeing the 'memory' from all angles to remember every aspect of it.  This has been a game changer for me, in terms of composition and interest in what I capture.  I find myself stopping and thinking about composition before pressing the shutter now.

My son sitting up for the first time by himself., Or my toddler waking from his nap, the joy I feel to have this memory forever now.. I can't express, Even the bliss in painting (one of my artist daughter's favorite things in the world), But my favorite thing, has been capturing little moments - things you would never think could be so special - Like your children sitting still just watching a movie, taking a bath, your baby swinging, even changing your sheets, or playing outside in a not-so-perfect backyard.

I really can't thank you enough for all the knowledge, inspiration, encouragement, and compassion you have shared with me, and our group.  I feel blessed to have discovered your class, which led me to the bloom forum, and probably the most amazing group of people I have yet to encounter online.

With gratitude, and love, Lauren Radley xo



Amanda Burr-Amanda Burr Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"Ginger Unzueta's "Everyday Beauty" workshop is a breath of fresh air.  It is clear that Ginger has a passion for what she does.  She is an incredible storyteller and artist.  She has such a gift for capturing the little moments and details of her family that would otherwise go undocumented.  Her workshop is designed to help you see those beautiful moments and details within your own family and to help you learn to capture those in the most beautiful way.  Ginger has a very "open book" approach to teaching.  She is very attentive and willing to answer any questions you may have.  Her lessons include lighting, camera settings, composition, perspective, finding spaces in your home, recognizing details, connecting, editing, etc.  Ginger gives constructive and encouraging feedback that is helpful to everyone in the workshop.  She also shares her beautiful imagery that is both thought provoking and inspiring.  I participated as a silent member in this workshop, only because the active spots were taken.  I still came away with so much knowledge and inspiration.  Thank you Ginger for helping me to see the beauty in the everyday life of my family!"



Erica Finnan- Erica Finnan Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"I was just a silent seat, but still learned a lot.  I enjoyed reading about how Ginger captures creative, playful images that truly tell a story of her life, by using light, emotions, and play.  It helped me to step outside of my box and use places in my home creatively that I have never used before to capture memories. I feel like my images are beginning to tell my families story, and for that I am grateful!  Ginger also gave great feedback to everyone and was so kind in doing so!  Great class and great teacher!"



Anna Dobrenski- Anna Dobrenski Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"My dear Ginger,

Your class was delightful!  I participated with a silent seat which was of course not the same as being a participant, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!  Since FTL I've enjoyed watching your growth and have always admired your ability to not only see beautiful light but also to create beautiful images with simplicity and truth.  Thank you for sharing that with the class!  I am super excited to continue my journey with personal photographs using your insights and tips.  I am trying to step outside the "business" of photography with my own family more and more.  I needed the reminders to get in the picture, watch composition and get the details.  I would tell anyone who wants to take this workshop to stalk the registration to make sure they get a participating seat!

Melissa Stanfield- Melissa Stanfield Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"I just embarked on my very first workshop through the bloom titled “Everyday Beauty” with the talented and lovely Ginger Unzueta with Ginger Unzueta Photography.  I had an active seat with a group of talented photographers that I count an honor to fully participate with. Such lovely and amazing talent throughout this workshop!

Ginger, has become a dear friend of mine and I’m so blessed to know her! I love her work for many reasons but what draws me, is her way of documenting life as it is! When given the chance to take her workshop, I was all over it. I was challenged in many ways to look and see things all around me that have always been there but to look through a different lens. To see the “Everyday Beauty” that is such a blessing and capture these moments that seem mundane but are anything but! These moments are fleeting and as we get older and our little ones grow up these little things, big things, our daily routines, my little ones enlightenment in her world will start to fade some, as she ages and discovers new beauty all around. I’m grateful to be reminded through Ginger’s work and teaching, to lay hold of what is in-front of you! to study what is around me, to see the light, see the creative opportunity to tell my little ones story in so many amazing ways. it’s such an honor and privilege to be able to witness her life! All the way down to the expressions on her face, her favorite things, and most of all..the moments that I never want to forget! To capture time, the time that is against me and is not going to stop! I often, can take for granted the day to day things which can be so easy for me to do but after taking this workshop it has quickened my heart and spirit to embrace the imperfection that is perfection in our world! Our lives are unique to all of us and they need to be documented and captured! This is what Ginger, so gracefully and full of life guides you in, finding all that is around you and embracing it for what it is! Be sure to check out Ginger’s blog and her work to see the Everyday Beauty and head over to The Bloom to see all that this forum has to offer you! I’m so thankful for joining such a wonderful forum who stands with you and encourages your growth while cheering you on!"



Kelly Carothers

"I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that I signed up for this class! The lessons that Ginger gave us really pushed me to think outside the box and stop and really consider what was in my frame before I clicked the shutter button. It made me stop and appreciate the little moments with my children, moments that might have been overlooked due to the hustle and bustle of our everyday routine. Ginger has a wonderful teaching style and was very hands on with all the students in the class. The lessons were all carefully explained and very easy to follow along with. The photos she used in each one were so inspiring it was hard not to shoot all day long to try and recreate some of my own. Our children leave such a mark on our lives and in our world. Ginger is able to document that perfectly and I am so thankful she was willing to share her knowledge with the rest of us.

 If you are thinking about taking the next class don't hesitate...just sign up! You will be so glad that you did."



Colie James-Colie James Photography     Find her on Facebook. 

"When you sign up for a workshop, particularly a new one, there is always some apprehension. In my case because I shoot lifestyle images at home daily as well as for clients, I am very familiar with the basic ideas of lifestyle and storytelling inside a home. However there is always room for improvement, always room to grow, and often all I am looking for is another spark of inspiration to push myself. That is what I got from Ginger.

Just seeing how Ginger thinks about her frame and approaches her shooting was fantastic. It was amazing to see her settings for different shots I loved and get her perspective on how she approached them. I was also surprised to see the number of images shot above ISO 2000. I often shoot around 2500 indoors but in her work there always seems to be more light than I have available in my house. It has made me more comfortable in my decision to shoot in high ISOs

I felt like the most important things Ginger covered in the workshop for me were using light in your home effectively, telling stories in different spaces in your home, telling the story from different perspectives, and identifying the important details to include them in your frame.  She also covered other important elements like framing, connecting with your subjects, planning a lifestyle shoot, getting IN the picture yourself, shooting in public. Most of the workshop is taught by example, using her own work to describe what she does and how she does it. There is ample opportunity for questions and discussion.

If you are a fan of Ginger's work and looking for some inspiration on how to approach photographing your Everyday Beauty please consider Ginger's workshop."


Laura Mood-Everyday Blessings Photography     Find her on Facebook. 

"I was so excited when I saw Ginger was teaching a class at Bloom, and signed up quickly, knowing her class would sell out. I had been following her for over a year and was thrilled at the opportunity to learn from her. What I didn't know was how much her class would change me and help me appreciate this hobby of capturing everyday beauty. After taking back to back workshops for months, I was starting to get burned out, but Ginger's class was different. Ginger shoots from her heart and she shares so much of her heart during her workshop that you can't walk away from this without feeling inspired. She truly is an open book and so gracious about answering any questions. She does such a fantastic job of sharing her thought process and approach to shooting that you almost feel like you are right there with her while she photographs her beautiful children. After trying to incorporate some of her ideas while I shoot, I was able to relax a little more, observe a little more, and have some fun while capturing more authentic moments that make my heart sing. My only regret is that our time together was not longer, although Ginger packs a ton of information into two weeks, so prepare to be busy.

Thank you again, Ginger, for such a wonderful experience that truly fed my soul at a time I really needed it!"



Aubri Graybeal-Pink Sky Photography     Find her on Facebook.

"Ginger's course saw me to see both light and my everyday life in a new way. She has an amazing gift to make extraordinary beauty out of the most simple tasks. I have always admired her work and her kind heart and felt incredibly lucky to learn from her. Although I have been in business for a few years it becomes easy to miss my own families moments. Taking Ginger's course has given me a renewed sense of excitement for capturing those candid moments I sometimes take for granted. An additional bonus was learning how to use light that I would have normally thought was not suitable for photos. Some of my favorite photos taken during her course were evening images lit by incandescent light bulbs. I will never look at available light in the same way. I highly recommend Ginger's course for both beginner and advanced photographers. "

 Kathy Kwong-Kathy Kwong Photography

"We've just wrapped up Ginger's workshop on "Everyday Beauty" and I am feeling so inspired!  I can hardly find the words to describe the emotions I felt when reading through her lesson plans and reviewing her photos.  They each take you to a place where you find love, laughter, emotion, playfulness, nostalgia...  They inspire you to create a storybook for your own family while observing and documenting not only the special occasions (the perfectly clean house, the brushed hair, the posed smiles), but to find beauty in those everyday moments that are honest and natural.  I have learned that there can be so much beauty that surrounds these unplanned moments.
This class has really opened my eyes and allowed me to be creative in my own thought process.  Ginger pushes you to challenge yourself, to add dimension to your photos, to take a step back and ask yourself "What is it about this moment that I want myself and my kids to remember 30-40-50 years from now?"
Ginger's passion for her family and life shine through in her photos and this course has given me confidence that in time (and through practice) I will be able to capture the all beauty that surrounds our home, so that years from now we can reflect on the early days of our growing family."





kids were here l may 2013

Kids were here. When I first began this project, I thought it would be fun to document the every day messes my children make.  As the weeks have passed, this project has really become so much more than that.

It's not really about messes at all, but about the stories they tell.  It's about traces of childhood I see throughout my home on a daily basis. It's about the love we share together.  It's about living and being...creating, making, learning and trying.   This project leaves me a beautiful story each month of the reminders that Kids are here now...and the time, well, its all too fleeting, isn't it?   We all need to embrace these moments and just live them too; because they really are the best moments of life.

Please be sure to stop by the Kids Were Here Blog to see the images of photographers from all over the world. It really is neat to see the commonalities in all of our lives.


"These still life images serve as a daily reminder that my days are awash in chaos, whimsy, laughter and laundry (sometimes all at once). They capture toys and spills and puddles and piles. Sentimental, solitary moments of childhood ephemera. A gentle prodding to live in the now and stop looking toward the “then.” And though sometimes I pray for clean and quiet and still, I know all too well it will come. And I will yearn for tiny shrieks of laughter in my bedroom. For toys and loveys strewn about. For signs of a daily life well lived. For traces of my babies who once were. For reminders that Kids Were Here–and they were life and light and love." - Stephanie Beaty





cherish this day l pretend

“Photography is (a means by which we)…learn to see the ordinary.”  David Bailey In March I was blessed to teach my first photography workshop called Everyday Beauty with the Bloom Forum.   I am really excited that I will be teaching it again in July.  I made many wonderful new friends through my class.  I have grown to love their hearts and talent alike.  What a gift it is to watch them grow and challenge themselves daily to document their families.  When the ladies in my class decided that they would form a blog circle to continue their everyday beauty exploration, I was over the moon.  I was even more excited that they wanted me to join them for this project.

Each month we will have a different theme to capture in our home.   The theme for this month is pretend.  I have to be quite honest in that these were pictures I had shot before the theme was given to me. My camera has been in the repair shop for over two weeks, but I didn't want to miss this first month.  I hope to get more creative in future months--I've missed my camera so much.

Be sure to go to our Cherish This Day blog to see the other beautiful pretend images.  I am blown away by their images this month.

And thank you to all of my students. I am so blessed to have you each in my life now.





letters to our children l a letter to my oldest daughter l april 2013


My sweet e.

We are fast approaching your 9th birthday.  This birthday has brought so many emotions for mama. It is your last single digit year and  half way to 18.   I had planned that today I would write your annual birthday letter to you, but I have decided to do something different. I am going to wait and give you your letter to you on your birthday.  I want you to read my words, only you, and not an audience.   I've come to realize that there is so much about life we share with others, yet there is so much we need to keep for just us.

Today I want to share some of the highlights of the last year while you were 8.

As I look back on 8 the one thing I will remember forever is that this was the year you asked Christ into your life.  As a parent I do not think there is anything that can bring more joy than knowing your child's eternity will be spent in Heaven.  Your daddy and I knew this had been something you had been thinking about for a long time; something you took very seriously. It was such a blessing to see the peace and excitement you had when you shared this with us.  I will never forget the night we sat as a family, hands held, while you prayed to our Lord.

This year you have gone from enjoying soccer to absolutely LOVING soccer. You dream of being a soccer star.  I love watching you on the field. You are atleast a foot shorter than all of the girls you play against, yet you don't let that intimidate you or stop you. You are fast on your feet and you truly amaze me with your skill. I love to see how you always cheer your teammates along, even when you have been the "under dogs" this season.  You are still filled with enthusiasm and encouragement.

You love to sing and dance. I don't think there is a day we don't have a performance going on in our home.  You create plays and you choreograph dances for you and your siblings and cousins. These are so dear to me.  You've been teaching yourself piano on the Ipad and I love to hear you perform your song choices.  Your latest love has been learning the "cup song."  You taught yourself the whole rhythm and lyrics via you tube. I love hearing your beautiful voice sing.

I've told you this before, but I have to tell you again.  You are an amazing big sister. I love how close you and your brother and sister are.  It is something I will not take for granted ever.

You love American girl dolls and you love to play pretend.  I love to watch you. You have a favorite tree that you love to climb. In that tree your imagination is endless; it's a gift indeed.  Childhood is precious and I love that you aren't in a hurry to grow up.  You really seem to enjoy being 8 and living for today.

You will try any food and have such a great variety of foods that you enjoy.  I spent my childhood being a picky eater and I am so glad that you aren't.

You are enjoying learning to bake and do things in the kitchen for yourself now.  It is fun to see you gain your independence.

You still love to sleep with mama and daddy.  There isn't a night that passes that we aren't snuggled up together at some point during the night.

You are a lot like me in that you get your feelings hurt easily.  You wear your heart on your sleeve and it's hard when others do not return the love you give so freely.  This will be something that you will always find hard. I know.

You love to read and write, but don't enjoy math too much.

You are not a morning person.  It is rare to find you awake before 9 :00 each day.

You love to make things...crafts, clothing for your dolls, cards, drawings--you love it all. You have such a creative mind.

I am so proud of the girl you are and the little lady you are becoming. It is hard to watch you grow and give you your wings;  but I know with God leading you, you will do wonderful things.

I look forward to seeing what the next year will bring in your life.

I love you to the moon and back,



I have joined a group of other mothers writing letters to our children each month.  Please head now to the blog of Bee Chalmers.  Her work and heart are equally breathtaking. I adore the way she is able to capture her children.







10 on 10 l the april edition

time to get up. getting dressed.

cinnamon rolls and Jesus.

playing doctor.

always laundry to be done.


brushing Rapunzel's hair.



time to have fun at the lake.

please join in our blog circle and see what the very talented Maria Manco has captured for her ten on ten this month. her images are always capture light in a most beautiful way.





saying yes more often

“We want our children’s lives built on meaningful influences. What relationships and activities each family chooses will be unique. That uniqueness is precious. By filling our days with what is important to us, we take charge of our own lives."  Laura Grace Weldon How often do your children ask to do something where your immediate answer is NO?  As parents I am sure we've all experienced this. And to be honest, there are many times we should say NO.   But, I've really been trying to make an effort to say yes more often rather than immediately answering with no. Perhaps at times my no answers were out of my own laziness or inconvenience.  For example,  not wanting to clean play dough off the floor or not wanting to get out my daughter's sewing machine and take the time to work on her sewing skills.  Or maybe I had a lot of laundry to finish and didn't want to stop and join the wii game going on.  I could list many examples of times I said no or maybe later, instead of embracing their desires at that given moment.  We can't always say yes at the time we are asked, but it's worth examining our heart and thinking a bit before we immediately answer with no.

I've found that saying yes really does make such a difference.  Yes encourages them. Yes ignites something beautiful within.  Yes shows our children that we are listening.  Yes can bring happiness.  The yes can be a powerful part of childhood and it is worth saying more often.  When you say yes, you let go of the no, and you embrace that moment of discovery with your child.

This week my three year old asked if she could "paint her toes all by herself."  I have painted her toes many times and she has seen her big sister paint her own toes,  but never have I let her do this by herself.  This afternoon I decided to say yes.  What was the worst thing that could happen?  The nail polish could spill everywhere or she could get nail polish all over her body?  I loved watching her concentrate painting each toe over and over again with a new color.  She was so proud of her toes and she couldn't wait for daddy to get home to show him the rainbow she had created. She did do it all by herself.   And she did spill an entire bottle of pink nail polish, but that was okay.  I am thankful for these moments we shared together and  I am so thankful I said yes.

After sharing my post this morning, my dear friend Carey Pace shared with me a post she wrote on this same topic  last year.  It is filled with beautiful words and images alike. I have been so blessed to meet so many amazing mothers on this journey and Carey is definitely a friend close to my heart. Thank you for sharing Carey and thank you for being who you are.





kids were here l april 2013

I am excited to introduce you to a new project called Kids were Here .  We are a group of passionate photographers who are setting out to document details of evidence that Kids Were Here. It is a fabulous idea introduced by the very talented and creative Ketti Photography. This project has already made me stop and look at the messes so differently. I don't really see them so much as messes anymore but documentation and living proof that I am surrounded by my children daily. It has helped me see that these messes are really gifts.  Gifts of their laughter, their love, and their presence in my home.   One day, these messes will no longer be here and I will be so grateful for these images that bring me back to this place.  A place where yes; sometimes the days seem hard and long, but where we spent years together, living and loving through life and learning together one day at a time.

"in the the moment is is easy to get frustrated with all the mess and clutter that results from living with children. this set reminds me how quickly it will all pass. one day the toys will be in totes no longer played with. i will miss this. i'm reminded to slow down. to not stress about it. my happiness is not dependent upon everything put back into place and a neat and tidy home. 

one day we will have a wonderful reminder. evidence left behind written upon our hearts and minds of our children. photographs that will bring us back to this very day, when our kids were here." -jude wood

**you can see the images and blogs of all of the ladies participating in this project by going to the Kids Were Here blog.






just us l march 2013

We are enjoying a break from our schooling this week.  Daddy is even home from work all week to enjoy time with us.  On  Monday we headed out to the strawberry field here in town. It has been a tradition the past 4 years that we always look forward to.


I am so happy to be linking to a beautiful friend's blog. Please follow along and see what amazing images Gail Pomare has to share this month. She is back in her homeland New Zealand and I just know she has something fabulous to share.






child's play l march 2013

each month i'll be documenting a "time of play" with my children. you can read more about this monthly project here.  what child doesn't LOVE play dough?  i know all three of mine do.  i think it is honestly great for each of them because it truly allows their creative minds to go to work.  one morning this week we went outside and all made some sweet treats. it was the perfect activity for a cloudy overcast day, hence the lack of any sunshine in my pictures. (but this project isn't about getting the best pictures each month.  it's about documenting quality time together).

head on over to the blog of my dear friend Jude Wood--she is always up to something fun with her four children.





letters to our children l a letter to my youngest daughter l march 2013

Our sweet baby girl, I look at you daily I and am still amazed.  The journey we took until you joined our world was not an easy one, but I would not trade one moment of the road we traveled.

In January of 2009, Daddy and I found out that I was pregnant.  A short week later we found out we would no longer be having that baby.  It was hard to understand at the time, but we knew God's plan and timing are always perfect.

A month later, in February 2009, we received the news that we would be having a baby in November. Daddy and I were so excited and very surprised.   I will admit that I was nervous because of what we had just experienced, but I knew I had to put my faith in God.  My pregnancy with you was wonderful. I can still remember the moment the sonogram technician told us you were a girl. I was shocked and so excited.  At that moment we knew we would call you Caroline Grace.  Your brother and sister both have names that have been in our family, but we knew this was the name we wanted for you.  We loved the meaning of your name:  Caroline, beautiful woman and Grace, Grace of God.

In September of 2009 everything took an unexpected scary turn with my pregnancy.  One day I began swelling, which I had never done before with you or your brother or sister. It was very unusual and it didn't go away.  The doctor took my blood pressure and realized after some other tests that I was very sick. I was diagnosed with severe pre- eclampsia.   I was admitted to the hospital that day and taken by ambulance to another hospital the next day about an hour away.  I had to get to a  hospital that had an adequate NICU for you to be admitted into upon your arrival.  You were still not due for almost 2 more months. I was scared. I was terrified. I remember being in the ambulance so frightened, worrying about what was going to happen to you and me. I had never felt that sick in my life.  We made it to the hospital safely and they started Mama on a drug to help with the sickness I was having. I was also given shots at this time to develop your lungs.

One day later, you were delivered; almost 2 months earlier than planned.  I honestly do not remember anything from the first two days you were born. I was so sick. In addition, to being on the drugs to help with my blood pressure, I ended up having a spinal headache and could not move until the Dr. went back into my spine and performed a spinal patch.

Those first few days were so emotional while I was so sick and you were in the NICU. I am so grateful for Daddy and Mimi for all they did for us during those early days. BUT then things got better and I finally got to hold you.  All of the rest did not matter at that moment.  And you were amazing.  You were a little thing at 4 pounds 10 ounces, but amazingly healthy.  Your doctor named you Super Star, because you did so well.  You didn't need alot in the NICU, only to feed and grow.  I began to pump my milk for you around the clock, and those moments when I got to feed you and hold you were some of the most special moments of my life.   And then finally you were able to actually nurse and it was so encouraging to see you begin to thrive. It was so hard to leave you on the days I had to go back to our home, but I knew your brother and sister needed me as well.   I will never forget the day the four of us drove together to bring you home from the NICU.  It was a moment like no other.

I remember being so worried that the time we spent apart would affect our bond.  I was scared that things would be different with you than with Sissy and Bubby.  I couldn't have been more wrong.   Today we share a beautiful unique love and I am grateful for it; yet I feel like none of my words would adequately describe this love to you.  I know  that you feel it as well and that is more than enough for me.

I share this all with you, because this experience taught me so much about life. I have always tried to plan's just who Mama is.  But in those days I learned that I have to give God complete control of my life.  I have to have faith that He alone has a plan and that if I trust in it, everything will work out in His timing.  I pray that you and your sister and brother will live with this faith as well.  I have seen time and time again without fail, that any hard experience God has brought me through; I've been left with lessons learned, blessings, and so much to be thankful for.  His plan; it is perfect.  Yes, I say this, even on the hardest of days.

Today you are 3 1/2.  You are the light of our lives.  You are always filled with so much joy. You say the craziest things and we all just watch you and laugh. You dance wherever you go. You always say "mama, watch me, watch my twirl".  You love painting and usually create something special most mornings while we do school.  I love how you say "Mama I LOVE you BIG"...or sometimes you will say "little" just to watch my sad face...and then you giggle so sweetly.  You love to bake with mama, though I think licking the bowl is what you really love!  You are strong willed and determined to get your way (whenever this side of you comes out, I think of the little preemie in the NICU who thrived beyond any of our expectations).  You still carry your pink blanket wherever you go.  Last week we took your crib down, and admittedly it was so hard for me to see it go, but you were ready.You are definitely your own little person now, and we couldn't be more blessed to have you.

Caroline Grace, you are such a gift and I look forward to watching you become the beautiful woman that God has planned.

Jeremiah 29: 11  " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

All my love,


Each month a group of talented ladies and amazing mothers also write letters to their children.  Next in our circle is the beautiful mother and artist Jennifer Warthan.  I always love seeing her life on the farm.






10 on 10 l the march edition

to me, photography is an art of observation. it’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… i’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”            -Elliott Erwitt

good morning.

ikea cinnamon rolls.

ice cream treat.


back yard fun.


down by the lake.

picking flowers.

bath time.

kisses goodnight.

This post is part of a 10 on 10 project I participate in with a group of talented and lovely friends.  Head on over to the blog of Bee Chalmers and see what 10 she has this month. Every image of hers blows me away...always.





March Giveaway l Mozi Magazine

I was so excited when I found out I was going to be a contributor for Mozi Magazine's March Child Issue. What an honor it is to be among many talented artists whom I admire so much.  I was thrilled today to finally see the magazine. This edition is packed full of inspiration and knowledge and I know you will love it. I am hosting a giveaway for one digital copy.  In addition, since it's been such a chilly few weeks across most of the country, I am including a gift card to Starbucks.

To be entered for the giveaway leave a comment below. Then, head on over and make sure you've liked  Mozi Magazine's facebook page .

I'll be announcing a winner on my facebook page on Monday, March 11, 2013.  All entries must be made by 11:59 EST Friday, March 8, 2013.






just us l february

"A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people."   -Annie Leibovitz i really do treasure the shots i have captured of my children and myself through this project.  there are many pictures i may have not taken otherwise. i didn't start 2013 off very well with missing january.  to be honest i almost backed out completely this year, but i really do realize the importance of  doing this each month.  i am challenged and want to continue this project for my family.

this month my oldest daughter had fun exploring my camera and began to work on  framing her own shots.  this was one of my favorites.

i am participating in this project with a group of dedicated mothers.  next in the circle is my sweet and very talented friend Hope Toliver.





meeting the needs of today | a mother's heart

"when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I"  -psalm 62:1 my heart becomes so heavy as i think about all of the needs of this world and the people hurting and in pain. my husband recently returned from passion 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia and upon his return we discussed all of the people in human slavery.  it is gut wrenching to hear these awful tragedies.   our church continues to do missions to Guatemala, Brazil and other parts of the world and last summer my husband was able to take part in a mission to Guatemala. the images he shared with me of beautiful little girls searching through a trash dump are still vivid in my head. these delicate souls searching for shoes, food, and comforts we have taken for granted since birth.

i follow photographers whom i admire for their own courage and grace as they have gone abroad to capture those who so desperately need their stories told.  one of those photographers is Deb Schwedhelm and i have been so moved by her work in Tanzania.  she is an amazing photographer and the way she has been able to make a difference inspires me in so many ways.  last week i came across the work of Sarah Robertson who moved me in the images she was able to capture while overseas in Kenya. and another photographer and friend, Breeze of Love Resembles, is currently raising funds for her own trip to Africa and i couldn't be more excited to see her journey in pictures.   i know in my heart that God has given me my gifts to use them for His Glory and purpose and i really believe one day that mission work is a piece of this plan.

some days i get frustrated and even critical of myself because i feel like there is so much to be done and i am doing so little.  but then God gently reminds me that the place i am at is where i am needed today. we still have three young children whom are home with us full time as we home school.  my husband's job keeps him very busy.   i am the constant for my children and am their rock in many ways right now.   there will be a time when their needs will not be as great, but for now i need to remember that i am doing God's work right in my own home.  my husband and i pray that our children will grow up to love others of the world more than themselves and that we can demonstrate servant-hood to them through our own actions daily.  each day servant-hood within my family plays a different role, never one more important than the other.   by loving each other in all we do, we are sharing the love of our Lord.

my husband left on a trip with work a few days ago and my oldest daughter is always very upset when he leaves.  this morning she came up to me and asked me if she could make a recipe "all by herself" from her cupcake book.   this meant that we would need to head to the store and get all the ingredients.  my first reaction was "maybe", thinking she would get busy and forget.  our youngest daughter has been sick and fussy and the last thing i really wanted to do was to take them all to the grocery store again (we'd just been there last night).  but after a few moments, i went and found my daughter and i said yes.  today, serving meant making this happen for her.  she is always such a help to me and though it didn't feel convenient at the time, i knew how much this would mean to her.   servant hood means being present for my children and seeing what is important to them and why.  it was fun to watch her create her tie-dye cupcakes all by herself. she felt independent and special.  but most of all, for a little while her mind was off the pain she felt on a Sunday afternoon not having her daddy home to spend time with.

and let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.  -Galatians 6:9





child's play l february 2013

in december i opened up about a conversation i had with my oldest daughter that i will never forget. if you didn't get a chance to read it, you can read it here.  during that time i realized i need to play with my children more.  it isn't that we don't have lots of quality time together because we have a lot of it and it wasn't that i felt like i wasn't being present, because i really make an effort to be present with my family. BUT  i realized something very valuable was missing. and that was time that they planned out.    i realized that even though i planned crafts, activities, outings, etc, they had their own ideas of what was fun and exciting.  i began to consciously make an effort to play more, to say no to their requests less, and make the time we share together even more meaningful to them. it turns out i was not alone in my thinking and realizations. jude wood, a friend i made on this photography journey, began a project this year entitled child's play. you can read more on her thoughts behind the project here.   last month she invited me to join her.   there are not any rules for our project per say, it's just an effort as mothers to make sure we have no regrets. time with our children is so precious and so fleeting and i never want to look back and wish i would have prioritized things differently.

this month i have documented a simple afternoon to the library.  this is something my children LOVE to do. they ask to go to the library a lot.  and many times, i have said no.  some days to be quite honest it just stressed me out to take all three children into the library.  although she is cute as a button, my three year old is not very quiet and she loves to grab everything she sees with no regard for the order of the books. but even with all this said, it is such a joyous thing for my children to go to the library and pick out their own books and to explore. and it is a children's library after all, so i am not quite sure why i was so worried.  now that i have let those worries go a bit, i have found i really enjoy taking them all to a place they love so much.  the fun didn't stop there. they each came home and enjoyed all of their books and when daddy came home from work they had the best time re-living the story of star wars.

now please go visit Jude Wood and see how her child's play looks this month.

